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Company ID Number:32855 Client Company ID Number:385743 <br />under license by DHS/USCIS (see ) and, other than pursuant to the specific terms of such license, may not <br />be used in any manner that might imply that the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent's services, products, <br />websites, or publications are sponsored by, endorsed by, licensed by, or affiliated with DHS, USCIS, or E- <br />Verify. <br />22. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent understands that if it uses E-Verify procedures for any purpose <br />other than as authorized by this MOU, the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent may be subject to <br />appropriate legal action and termination of its participation in E-Verify according to this MOU. <br />C. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FEDERAL CONTRACTORS <br />The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent shall ensure that the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent and the <br />Employers it represents carry out the following responsibilities if the Employer is a Federal contractor or becomes a <br />federal contractor. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent should instruct the client to keep the Web Services E- <br />Verify Employer Agent informed about any changes or updates related to federal contracts. It is the Web Services E- <br />Verify Employer Agent's responsibility to ensure that its clients are in compliance with all E-Verify policies and <br />procedures. <br />1. If the Employer is a Federal contractor with the FAR E-Verify clause subject to the employment verification <br />terms in Subpart 22,18 of the FAR, it will become familiar with and comply with the most current version of <br />the E-Verify User Manual for Federal Contractors as well as the E-Verify Supplemental Guide for Federal <br />Contractors. <br />2. In addition to the responsibilities of every employer outlined in this MOU, the Employer understands that if it <br />is a Federal contractor subject to the employment verification terms in Subpart 22.18 of the FAR it must <br />verify the employment eligibility of any "employee assigned to the contract" (as defined in FAR 22.1801). <br />Once an employee has been verified through E-Verify by the Employer, the Employer may not reverify the <br />employee through E-Verify. <br />A. An Employer that is not enrolled in E-Verify as a Federal contractor at the time of a contract award <br />must enroll as a Federal contractor in the E-Verify program within 30 calendar days of contract <br />award and, within 90 days of enrollment, begin to verify employment eligibility of new hires using E- <br />Verify. The Employer must verify those employees who are working in the United States, whether or <br />not they are assigned to the contract. Once the Employer begins verifying new hires, such <br />verification of new hires must be initiated within three business days after the hire date. Once <br />enrolled in E-Verify as a Federal contractor, the Employer must begin verification of employees <br />assigned to the contract within 90 calendar days after the date of enrollment or within 30 days of an <br />employee's assignment to the contract, whichever date is later. <br />B. Employers enrolled in E-Verify as a Federal contractor for 90 days or more at the time of a contract <br />award must use E-Verify to begin verification of employment eligibility for new hires of the Employer <br />who are working in the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract, within three business <br />days after the date of hire. If the Employer is enrolled in E-Verify as a Federal contractor for 90 <br />calendar days or less at the time of contract award, the Employer must, within 90 days of <br />enrollment, begin to use E-Verify to initiate verification of new hires of the contractor who are <br />working in the United States, whether or not assigned to the contract. Such verification of new hires <br />must be initiated within three business days after the date of hire. An Employer enrolled as a <br />Federal contractor in E-Verify must begin verification of each employee assigned to the contract <br />within 90 calendar days after date of contract award or within 30 days after assignment to the <br />contract, whichever is later. <br />C. Federal contractors that are institutions of higher education (as defined at 20 U.S.C. 1001(a)), state <br />or local governments, governments of Federally recognized Indian tribes, or sureties performing <br />under a takeover agreement entered into with a Federal agency under a performance bond may <br />choose to only verify new and existing employees assigned to the Federal contract. Such Federal <br />contractors may, however, elect to verify all new hires, and/or all existing employees hired after <br />November 6, 1986. Employers in this category must begin verification of employees assigned to the <br />contract within 90 calendar days after the date of enrollment or within 30 days of an employee's <br />assignment to the contract, whichever date is later. <br />D. Upon enrollment, Employers who are Federal contractors may elect to verify employment eligibility <br />of all existing employees working in the United States who were hired after November 6, 1986, <br />instead of verifying only those employees assigned to a covered Federal contract. After enrollment, <br />Employers must elect to verify existing staff following DHS procedures and begin E-Verify <br />verification of all existing employees within 180 days after the election. <br />E. The Employer may use a previously completed Form 1-9 as the basis for creating an E-Verify case for <br />an employee assigned to a contract as long as: <br />I. That Form 1-9 is complete (including the SSN) and complies with Article II.A.6, <br />Page 6 of 17 1 E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web Services Employer Agent I Revision Date 06/01/13 <br />