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Company ID Number:32855 Client Company ID Number:385743 <br />3. DHS agrees to provide to the E-Verify Employer Agent with access to E-Verify training materials as well as <br />an E-Verify User Manual that contain instructions on E-Verify policies, procedures, and requirements for both <br />SSA and DHS, including restrictions on the use of E-Verify. <br />4. DHS agrees to train E-Verify Employer Agents on all important changes made to E-Verify through the use of <br />mandatory refresher tutorials and updates to the E-Verify User Manual. Even without changes to E-Verify, <br />DHS reserves the right to require E-Verify Employer Agents to take mandatory refresher tutorials. <br />5. DHS agrees to provide to the Employer (through the E-Verify Employer Agent) a notice, which indicates the <br />Employer's participation in E-Verify. DHS also agrees to provide to the Employer anti -discrimination notices <br />issued by the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration -Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), Civil <br />Rights Division, U.S. Department of justice. <br />6. DHS agrees to issue each of the E-Verify Employer Agent's E-Verify users a unique user identification <br />number and password that permits them to log in to E-Verify. <br />7. DHS agrees to safeguard the information the Employer provides (through the E-Verify Employer Agent), and <br />to limit access to such information to individuals responsible for the verification process, for evaluation of E- <br />Verify, or to such other persons or entities as may be authorized by applicable law. Information will be used <br />only to verify the accuracy of Social Security numbers and employment eligibility, to enforce the INA and <br />Federal criminal laws, and to administer Federal contracting requirements. <br />8. DHS agrees to provide a means of automated verification that provides (in conjunction with SSA verification <br />procedures) confirmation or tentative nonconfirmation of employees' employment eligibility within three <br />Federal Government work days of the initial inquiry. <br />9. DHS agrees to provide a means of secondary verification (including updating DHS records) for employees <br />who contest DHS tentative nonconfirmations and photo mismatch tentative nonconfirmations. This provides <br />final confirmation or nonconfirmation of the employees' employment eligibility within 10 Federal <br />Government work days of the date of referral to DHS, unless DHS determines that more than 10 days may <br />be necessary. In such cases, DHS will provide additional verification instructions. <br />ARTICLE III <br />REFERRAL OF INDIVIDUALS TO SSA AND DHS <br />A. REFERRAL TO SSA <br />1. If the Employer receives a tentative nonconfirmation issued by SSA, the Employer must print the notice as <br />directed by E-Verify. The Employer must promptly notify employees in private of the finding and provide <br />them with the notice and letter containing information specific to the employee's E-Verify case. The <br />Employer also agrees to provide both the English and the translated notice and letter for employees with <br />limited English proficiency to employees. The Employer agrees to provide written referral instructions to <br />employees and instruct affected employees to bring the English copy of the letter to the SSA. The Employer <br />must allow employees to contest the finding, and not take adverse action against employees if they choose <br />to contest the finding, while their case is still pending. <br />2. The Employer agrees to obtain the employee's response about whether he or she will contest the tentative <br />nonconfirmation as soon as possible after the Employer receives the tentative nonconfirmation. Only the <br />employee may determine whether he or she will contest the tentative nonconfirmation. <br />3. After a tentative nonconfirmation, the Employer will refer employees to SSA field offices only as directed by <br />E-Verify. The Employer must record the case verification number, review the employee information <br />submitted to E-Verify to identify any errors, and find out whether the employee contests the tentative <br />nonconfirmation. The Employer will transmit the Social Security number, or any other corrected employee <br />information that SSA requests, to SSA for verification again if this review indicates a need to do so. <br />4. The Employer will instruct the employee to visit an SSA office within eight Federal Government work days. <br />SSA will electronically transmit the result of the referral to the Employer within 10 Federal Government work <br />days of the referral unless it determines that more than 10 days is necessary. <br />5. While waiting for case results, the Employer agrees to check the E-Verify system regularly for case updates. <br />6. The Employer agrees not to ask the employee to obtain a printout from the Social Security Administration <br />number database (the Numident) or other written verification of the SSN from the SSA. <br />B. REFERRAL TO DHS <br />1. If the Employer receives a tentative nonconfirmation issued by DHS, the Employer must promptly notify <br />employees in private of the finding and provide them with the notice and letter containing information <br />specific to the employee's E-Verify case. The Employer also agrees to provide both the English and the <br />translated notice and letter for employees with limited English proficiency to employees. The Employer must <br />Page 8 of 17 1 E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web services Employer Agent I Revision Date 06/01/13 <br />