Laserfiche WebLink
��■ ■■ s" ,a9lnr. <br />�,.,,� <br />Company ID Number:32855 Client Company ID Number:386743 <br />Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent must use the E-Veriry browser during the outage. <br />13. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to ensure that all notices, referral letters and any other <br />materials otherwise including instructions regarding tentative nonconfirmations, will be consistent with the <br />most current E-Verify tentative nonconfirmation notices and referral letters, which are available on E-Verify's <br />website. <br />14. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees that any system or interface it develops will follow the <br />steps for creating E-Verify cases and processing tentative nonconfirmations, as laid out in the ICA, this MOU <br />and the User Manual, including but not limited to allowing an employer to close an invalid case where <br />appropriate, allowing an employer to refer a tentative nonconfirmation only when an employee chooses to <br />contest a tentative nonconfirmation (no automatic referrals), and referring a tentative nonconfirmation to <br />the appropriate agency at the time the employer prints the referral letter and provides the letter to the <br />employee. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent understands that any failure to make its system or <br />interface consistent with proper E-Verify procedures can result in DHS terminating the Web Services E-Verify <br />Employer Agent's agreement and access with or without notice. <br />15. When the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent receives notice from a client company that it has received <br />a contract with the FAR clause, then the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent must update the company's <br />E-Verify profile within 30 days of the contract award date. <br />16. If data is transmitted between the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent and its client, then the Web <br />Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to protect personally identifiable information during transmission <br />to and from the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent. <br />17. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to notify DHS immediately in the event of a breach of <br />personal information. Breaches are defined as loss of control or unauthorized access toE-Verify personal <br />data. All suspected or confirmed breaches should be reported by calling 1-888-464-4218 or via email at . <br />Please use "Privacy Incident -Password" in the subject line of your email when sending a breach report to E- <br />Verify. <br />18. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to fully cooperate with DHS and SSA in their compliance <br />monitoring and evaluation of E-Verify, including permitting DHS, SSA, their contractors and other agents, <br />upon reasonable notice, to review Forms I-g, employment records, and all records pertaining to the Web <br />Services E-Verify Employer Agent's use of E-Verify, and to interview it and its employees regarding the use <br />of E-Verify, and to respond in a timely and accurate manner to DHS requests for information relating to their <br />participation in E-Verify. <br />A. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to cooperate with DHS if DHS requests <br />information about the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent's interface, including requests by DHS <br />to view the actual interface operated by the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent as well as <br />related business documents. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to demonstrate for <br />DHS the functionality of its interface to E-Verify upon request. <br />B. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to demonstrate, if requested by DHS, that it has <br />provided training to its clients that meets E-Verify standards. Training programs must provide a <br />focused study of the topics covered in the E-Veriry User Manual and pertinent Supplemental Guides. <br />Furthermore, training programs and materials must be updated as E-Verify changes occur. The Web <br />Services E-Verify Employer Agent is encouraged to incorporate information from existing E-Verify <br />materials, including the Enrollment Quick Reference Guide, the E-Veriry Employer Agent Client <br />Handbook (formerly known as the Designated Agent Client Handbook), and existing tutorials and <br />manuals into their training program. E-Verify also encourages the Web Services E-Verify Employer <br />Agent to supervise first-time use of the E-Verify browser or Web Services interface by its staff and <br />Employer clients as part of any training program. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees <br />to submit Its training program materials to DHS for review upon request. <br />Failure to provide adequate training could, in some instances, lead to penalties as described in <br />Article V.F.1. of this MOU. <br />19. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent shall not make any false or unauthorized claims or references <br />about its participation in E-Verify on its website, in advertising materials, or other media. The Web Services <br />E-Verify Employer Agent shall not describe its services as federally -approved, federally -certified, or <br />federally -recognized, or use language with a similar intent on its website or other materials provided to the <br />public. Entering into this MOU does not mean that E-Verify endorses or authorizes your Web Services E- <br />Verify Employer Agent services and any claim to that effect is false. <br />20. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent shall not state in its website or other public documents that any <br />language used therein has been provided or approved by DHS, USCIS or the Verification Division, without <br />first obtaining the prior written consent of DHS. <br />21. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees that E-Verify trademarks and logos may be used only <br />Page 5 of 17 I E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web Services Employer Agent I Revision Date 06/Ol/13 <br />