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��. ■. °� Illpll2,a <br />h1S14 <br />Company ID Number:32855 Client Company ID Number:385743 <br />22. The Employer understands that if it uses E-Verify procedures for any purpose other than as authorized by <br />this MOU, the Employer may be subject to appropriate legal action and termination of its participation in E- <br />Verify according to this MOU. <br />B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE WEB SERVICES E-VERIFY EMPLOYER AGENT <br />1. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to complete its Web Services interface no later than six <br />months after the date the Web Services User signs this MOU. E-Verify considers your interface to be <br />complete once it has been built pursuant to the Interface Control Agreement (ICA), submitted to E-Verify for <br />testing, and approved for system access. <br />2. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to perform sufficient maintenance on the Web Services <br />interface in accordance with the requirements listed in the ICA. These requirements include, but are not <br />limited to, updating the Web Services interface to ensure that any updates or enhancements are <br />incorporated no later than six months after the issuance of an ICA. Web Services E-Verify Employer Agents <br />should be aware that this will require the investment of time and resources. Compliance with the <br />requirements of the ICA must be carried out to the satisfaction of DHS and or its assignees. <br />3. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to provide to SSA and/or DHS the names, titles, <br />addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent <br />representative who will access information, as well as ensure cooperation, communication, and coordination <br />with E-Verify. In addition, Web Services E-Verify Employer Agents must provide to SSA and/or DHS the <br />names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of its clients and their staff who will access information <br />through E-Verify. Web Services E-Verify Employer Agents must ensure the contact information is updated <br />with SSA and DHS whenever the points of contact change. <br />4. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to become familiar with and comply with theE-Verify User <br />Manual and provide a copy of the most current version of the manual to the Employer so that the Employer <br />can become familiar with and comply with E-Verify policy and procedures. The Web Services E-Verify <br />Employer Agent agrees to obtain a revised E-Verify User Manual as it becomes available and to provide a <br />copy of the revised version to the Employer no later than 30 days after the manual becomes available. <br />5. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees that any person accessing E-Verify on its behalf is trained <br />on the most recent E-Verify policy and procedures. <br />6. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees that any of its representatives who will perform <br />employment verification cases will complete the E-Verify Tutorial before that individual initiates any cases. <br />A. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees that all of its representatives will take the <br />refresher tutorials initiated by E-Verify as a condition of continued use of E-Verify, including any <br />tutorials for Federal contractors, if any of the Employers represented by the Web Services E-Verify <br />Employer Agent is a Federal contractor. <br />B. Failure to complete a refresher tutorial will prevent the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent and <br />Employer from continued use of E-Verify. <br />7, The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to grant E-Verify access only to current employees who <br />need E-Verify access. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent must promptly terminate an employee's E- <br />Verify access if the employee is separated from the company or no longer needs access to E-Verify. <br />8. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to obtain the necessary equipment to use E- Verify as <br />required by the E-Verify rules and regulations as modified from time to time. <br />9. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and <br />policies, commit sufficient personnel and resources to meet the requirements of this MOU. <br />10, The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to provide its clients with training on E-Verify processes, <br />policies, and procedures. The E-Verify Employer Agent also agrees to provide its clients with ongoing E- <br />Verify training as needed. E-Verify is not responsible for providing training to clients of E-Verify Employer <br />Agents. <br />11. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to provide the Employer with the notices described in <br />Article II.B.2 below. <br />12. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to create E-Verify cases for the Employer it represents in <br />accordance with the E-Verify Manual, the E-Verify Web -Based Tutorial and all other published E-Verify rules <br />and procedures. The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent will createE-Verify cases using information <br />provided by the Employer and will immediately communicate the response back to the Employer. If E-Verify <br />is temporarily unavailable, the three-day time period will be extended until it is again operational in order to <br />accommodate the Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent's attempting, in good faith, to make inquiries on <br />behalf of the Employer during the period of unavailability. If, however, the Web Services interface is <br />unavailable due to no fault of E-Verify, then the three-day time period is not extended. In such a case, the <br />Page 4 of 17 1 E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web Services Employer Agent I Revision Date 06/01/13 <br />