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AXOM <br />representatives, facility management, and/or others in order to better understand 'best <br />practices" in terms of issues such as shared or individual management, public vs. private <br />management, competition or lack thereof between the individual facilities and any existing <br />privately -owned facilities, and others. We will also supplement this task with information from <br />our own experience with these types of facilities and markets, as it relates to South Bend. <br />• Century Center benchmarking — based on available data from the Century Center, we will <br />provide a set of benchmark comparisons to industry norms as well as results from individual <br />comparable facilities. Based on input from client representatives regarding its goals for this <br />Process, we would complete analyses for items such as profitability/subsidy levels, event <br />levels, operating ratios for individual line items, staffing levels, square footage, and/or others. <br />Optional Tasks <br />Based on our discussions with you and our understanding of your needs, we can also offer the <br />following services: <br />• More comprehensive economic and fiscal impact analyses, <br />• A broader assessment of management options and implications that include other downtown <br />assets, such as parking garages and retail, and <br />• Operational benchmarking analyses for the Morris PAC and Palais Royale. <br />We are more than happy to discuss these tasks with you. <br />