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Ms. Andrea Alexander <br />September 24, 2020 <br />KERAMIDA Proposal No. P24080R <br />Page 2 <br />Task 1: Preparation of Investigation Work Plan <br />KERAMIDA will prepare an Investigation Work Plan (IWP) outlining the proposed investigation methodology <br />and sampling and analytical protocols to assess the source(s) of nitrate occurring at MW-13 and MW-14 at the <br />Organic Resources Facility. The IWP will include a preliminary Site Map identifying proposed investigation <br />sampling locations. A draft of the IWP and proposed sample locations will be provided to City of South Bend <br /> Environmental Services for review prior to submittal. <br />KERAMIDA will contract with Jones Petrie Rafinski (JPR) to survey in the coordinates (eastings, northings <br />and ground elevations) of the proposed investigation sampling locations. The eastings and northings will be <br />utilized to plot the investigation sampling locations on a Site map, the ground surface elevation will be used to <br />calculate the depth to the water table for groundwater sample collection. In addition, KERAMIDA will have <br />JPR establish elevation benchmarks on the adjacent County property if investigation sample locations require <br />f nitrate impacts. <br />Task 2: Field Activities <br />Boring Location Survey <br />KERAMIDA will coordinate boring staking and survey prior to soil boring activities. KERAMIDA will <br />subcontract the boring survey with JPR to determine the State Plane coordinates and ground surface elevations <br />of each of the initial boring locations prior to drilling. <br />Utility Clearance <br />Prior to initiating the subsurface groundwater investigation scope of work, KERAMIDA will call in a public <br />utility locate through the Indiana 811 program. A geophysical survey will also be performed in the work areas <br />using electromagnetic (EM) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) sensors to identify/clear subgrade utilities or <br />structures. KERAMIDA will retain a qualified subcontractor to perform the geophysical survey and will <br />provide oversight and guidance during the performance of the survey. <br />Groundwater Sample Collection <br />KERAMIDA will advance a groundwater sampling probe to the water table based on the surveyed ground <br />surface elevation and the groundwater elevation based on depth to water measurements from the St. Joseph <br />Aquifer monitoring wells. The sampling probe will be advanced using a Geoprobe® 7822 DT tracked direct <br />push rig. The groundwater sample probe consists of a 3-foot long steel screen housed within a steel casing. <br />The probe is advanced by driving steel rods to the target depth, then pulling up on the rods exposing the screen. <br />The probe will be driven to a depth approximately 5 feet below the water table and the screen deployed. Then <br />water level within the screen will then be measured with an electronic water level meter and the probe pulled <br />up until the top of the screen is at the water table. The probe screen will be developed using a check valve and <br />dedicated tubing to reduce the turbidity to the extent practicable. Once purging is complete, a sample will be <br />drawn for an in- <br />perform a laboratory nitrate analysis. Additional sampling will be performed based on the results of the field <br />test. The laboratory analysis will be used as an independent confirmation of results. <br />analytical data will be obtained <br />t. Field data could indicate that additional sampling is required down- <br />gradient (east) of the proposed investigation locations to delineate the extent of nitrate impact. <br />Task 3: Investigation Report <br />KERAMIDA will prepare a brief report detailing the results of the investigation and recommendations for the <br />installation of additional monitoring wells, if warranted. This report will include probe logs, a search of Indiana <br />Department of Natural resources on-line well log databases, and narrative discussion of procedures and results. <br /> <br />