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Ms. Andrea Alexander <br />September 24, 2020 <br />KERAMIDA Proposal No. P24080R <br />Page 3 <br />A draft of the Investigation Report will be provided to City of South Bend Environmental Services for review <br />prior to submittal. <br /> <br />COST ESTIMATE <br /> <br />The estimated cost to complete the initial scope of work (2 days/5 sample locations) detailed in this proposal <br />is $12,525 as detailed in Table 1 below. Costs are based on IDEM not requiring soil sampling concurrent with <br />advancement of the groundwater sampling probe. If required by IDEM, soil sampling utilizing Dual Tube® <br />protocols will likely require an additional day of field work. Costs will be invoiced on a time and materials not <br />to exceed basis, with billing concurrent with completion of each item. Other terms and conditions will be in <br />accordance with the attached KERAMIDA Standard Terms and Conditions. <br />If field nitrate sample results indicate additional sampling is required towards the eastern boundary of the <br />adjacent County property, up to 2 additional boring/sample locations can be completed at a rate of $3,300 per <br />day, which is the basis of the maximum $19,125 not to exceed cost. Costs assume no permits for borings or <br />Right-of-Way permits/Encroachment Licenses are required if drilling along Foundation Drive east of the Site. <br />Table 1 <br />Item Cost <br />Task 1: Investigation Work Plan Preparation & Submittal $1,000 <br />Task 2: Field Activities (survey, utility locate, soil borings) $9,185 <br />Task 3: Investigation Report Preparation & Submittal $2,340 <br />PROJECT TOTAL $12,525 <br />Additional: Maximum of 2 additional days of sampling at $3,300/day $6,600 <br />TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $19,125 <br /> <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />IDEM agreed to confirm the exceedance of nitrates in MW-14 during the next groundwater sampling event <br />prior to any investigation work. After the confirmation of nitrates exceedance in MW-14 during the October <br />2020 semiannual groundwater sampling event, KERAMIDA can initiate work on this project immediately upon <br />issuance of a Purchase Order (P.O.) from the City of South Bend. <br />We look forward to the opportunity to continue to assist you with this project. If you have any questions, please <br />call me at (317) 685-6616. <br />Sincerely, <br />KERAMIDA Inc. <br />Xuqing Xiong, M.S. <br />Project Engineer <br />Bruce R. Winningham, L.P.G. <br />Senior Geologist <br /> <br />