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South Bend Fire Department <br />CommanderChassis <br />The after-treatment canister through the end of the tailpipe shall all be connected with zero leak <br />gasketed clamps. The discharge shall terminate horizontally on the right side of the vehicle ahead <br />of the rear tires with an exhaust gas diffuser. <br />The diffuser shall lowerexhaust gas temperatures during the regenerationcycle. <br />One (1)DEF Tank - 2017 <br />06-06-4006 <br />DIESEL EXHAUSTFLUID TANK <br />There shall bea moldedcross linked polyethylene tank for the Diesel ExhaustFluid (DEF).The <br />tank shall have acapacity of not less than five (5) usable gallons (18.92 Liters) and shall be <br />mounted on the left hand side of the chassis frame in front of the batteries below the frame. The <br />mounting bracket shall be Hot Dipped Galvanized. <br />The DEFtank shall be designed with capacity forexpansion in case of fluid freezing. Engine <br />coolant, which shall be thermostatically controlled, shall be run through lines in the tank to help <br />prevent the DEFfrom freezing and to providea means of thawing thefluid if it should become <br />frozen. <br />One (1)DEF Tank Access Fill Door <br />06-06-4100 <br />DIESEL EXHAUSTFLUID TANK <br />Thereshallbeanaccessdoorprovidedinthetoprearstepofleftsidecrewareaforaccesstothe <br />DEF tank. <br />One (1)EngineExhaustAccExhaust Extraction90Degree Nederman <br />06-07-5020 <br />ENGINE EXHAUST ACCESSORY <br />The end of theexhaustsystem shall include a Nederman 90 degreecollarfor attaching to the <br />exhaust extraction system. <br />One (1)EngineExhAcc TempMitigation <br />06-08-0100 <br />ENGINE EXHAUST ACCESSORIES <br />Anexhausttemperaturemitigationdeviceshallbeshippedlooseforinstallationbythebody <br />manufactureronthevehicle.Thetemperaturemitigationdeviceshalllowerthetemperatureofthe <br />exhaust by combining ambient air with the exhaust gasses at the exhaust outlet. <br />10039-001609/02/20 <br />64 <br />PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version <br /> <br />