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South Bend Fire Department <br />CommanderChassis <br />pedal,orthetransmissionisplacedingear,andshallbeavailabletomanually,throughaswitch, <br />or automatically re-engage when the brake is set,or when the transmission is placed in neutral. <br />One (1)Engine Air Intake Filtration and Restriction L9 <br />06-05-3010 <br />ENGINE AIR INTAKE <br />Theengineairintakesystemshallincludeanemberseparatorairintakefilterwhichshallbe <br />located behind the fascia. <br />Thefiltershallprotectthedownstreamairfilterfromembersusingacombinationofuniqueflat <br />and crimped metal screens constructed into a corrosion resistant steel frame. <br />Thismultilayeredscreenshallbedesignedtotrapembersorallowthemtoburnoutbeforepassing <br />throughthepack,whilecreatingonlyminimalairflowrestrictionthroughthesystem.Periodic <br />cleaning or replacementof the screen shall beall that is required after installation. <br />Theintakeshallalsofeatureacyclonestylewaterseparatortoremoveunwantedmoisturefrom <br />incoming air. <br />Theengineshallincludeanairintakefilterwhichshallbeboltedtotheframeandlocatedunder <br />thefront ofthe cab.Thisdrytypefiltershallensuredustanddebrisissafelycontainedinsidethe <br />disposablehousing,eliminatingthechanceofcontaminatingtheairintakesystemduringairfilter <br />service viaa leak-tight seal. <br />Thefiltermust haveacapacityofnolessthan1350cubicfeet ofairper minute.Thefilter paper <br />mediamustbeofaflameretardanttreatedmaterial.Anelectricairfilterrestrictionindicatorshall <br />also be included with the system. <br />One (1)EngineExhaustSystemOne Piece OfficerSideDPF/SCR - L9 380 hp & up -2017 <br />06-06-3732 <br />ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM <br />The exhaust system shall include a one-piece diesel particulate filter (DPF), a diesel oxidation <br />catalyst, and a selectivecatalytic reduction catalyst (SCR) to meet currentEPA standards. <br />The selectivecatalyticreduction catalyst shall utilize a dieselexhaust fluidsolution consisting of <br />urea and purifiedwaterto convert nitrogen oxideinto nitrogen, water, andtraceamounts of <br />carbon dioxide. The solution shall be injected into the system between theDPF and SCR <br />chambers. <br />The system shall utilize 0.065-inch-thick stainlesssteel exhaust tubing between the engine turbo <br />and the DPF. <br />10039-001609/02/20 <br />63 <br />PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version <br /> <br />