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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 17, 1999 <br />site. <br />The staff expects that the Commision <br />would require of a minimum 60,000 sf of <br />new Class A office space at that site. <br />Mr. Hunt opened the public hearing for <br />anyone that wished to speak regarding <br />Resolution No. 1723. Michael Barnes <br />stated that "Bell Parts Supply owns a <br />series of these parts stores across northern <br />Indiana and it is a thriving business. We <br />filed our remonstrance to insure the <br />owner's rights and to follow the statutory <br />provisions. I must say in all fairness that <br />we've already met with Ann Kolata and <br />Michael Giulioni of the Redevelopment <br />staff. I'm here simply to insure Bell's <br />rights but understand the process which is <br />on going here including the Studebaker <br />Museum's commercials that we've all seen <br />on television. In our conversations we <br />most certainly want to emphasize both to <br />the Commissioners, Economic <br />Development and the community that the <br />Bell's have a thriving and ongoing <br />business. We are working with and will <br />continue to work with Redevelopment in <br />an effort to relocate the Bell's, <br />specifically, if it can be worked out in the <br />general area of the Bell's current business <br />operation. All of us with some history of <br />South Bend understand that the purchase <br />and improvement of the old bus station <br />was a large plus for the community at a <br />time when it was completed. We certainly <br />will be cooperative but insistent upon the <br />rights under the statutes and don't <br />L -9- <br />