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Paid Mean Cost per ComplaintType Location Name Budget Staff Activity Filed and Investigated2 Orange County Citizen Review Board $20,000 2 part time 45 board hearings } 45 $444 pop: 749,631 (1/5 time)sworn: 1,1342 St. Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs $37,160a1 part time 71 cases reviewed } 71 $523 pop: 259,606 Review Commissionsworn: 5813, 4 Portland Police Internal Investigations $43,000 1 full time 21 appeals processed $361 pop: 480,824 Auditing Committee 98 audits of completed cases 119sworn: 1,0042 Rochester Civilian Review Board $128,069 1 full time 26 cases reviewed $4,269 pop: 221,594 3 part time 4 cases mediated 30sworn: 6852, 4 Tucson Independent Police Auditor and $144,150 2 full time 289 citizen contacts (9/1/97–6/30/98) $755cpop: 449,002 Citizen Police Advisory 96 complaints filed with auditorsworn: 865 Review Board 63 investigations monitored 1591 Flint Office of the Ombudsman $173,811 2 full time 313 cases against police $555 pop: 134,881 1 part time investigated (1996) 313sworn: 3331 Berkeley Police Review Commission $277,255 4 full time 42 complaints filed and investigated $4,864pop: 107,80034 cases closed for lack of meritsworn: 190or complainant cooperation 5712 hearings1 Minneapolis Civilian Police Review Authority $504,213 7 full time 715 citizen contacts $3,171pop: 358,785159 formal complaints investigated } 159sworn: 91914 cases mediated6 stipulations3 hearings1 San Francisco Office of Citizen Complaints $2,198,778 30 full time 1,126 complaints received $2,237 pop: 735,315983 cases investigated and closed } 983sworn: 2,10050 chief’s hearings 6 police commission trialsa.Because the board has never spent its $10,000 allocation for hiring an independent investigator, its true budget has been $27,160.b.Includes a one-time startup cost of $20,000 for remodeling office.c.Based on a 10-month prorated budget of $120,058.d.This represents the proportion of the staff who handle complaints against the police. See footnote e.e.Two of seven investigators handle complaints full time against the police; a third investigator spends one-quarter time handling police complaints.f. Because some of the 42 cases filed and investigated were among the 34 cases closed in 1997, the total activity does not represent the sum of the 42 complaints investigated and the 34 cases closed.g.The mean cost per complaint filed for 1997 was atypically high because, for example, oversight staff conducted a major pepper spray study, staffed a medical marijuana task force, and held a major public hearing.h.This figure is misleadingly high as a measure of overall oversight costs because it does not take into consideration the 556 other contacts authority staff had with the public that did not result in formal complaints.EXHIBIT2. 1997 OVERSIGHTSYSTEMCOSTS INRELATION TORESPONSIBILITIES ANDACTIVITYC ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />ixhgfdeb