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Mediation Subpoena Officer Legal <br />System Type* Openness to Public Scrutiny Option Power Representation <br />Berkeley Police 1 • hearings and commission decisions open to dormant yes during investigation; <br />Review Commission public and media during hearing <br />(PRC) • general PRC meetings available for public to <br />express concerns <br />• full public report, including interview transcripts <br />• city manager makes response public after review of <br />PRC and internal affairs (IA) findings <br />• appeal process <br />• IA’s dispositions and discipline not public <br />Flint Office of the 1 • findings distributed to media and city archives no yes, but not interviewed in <br />Ombudsman • no appeal never used person <br />• chief’s finding public, but not discipline <br />Minneapolis Civilian 1 • hearings are private yes no, but during investiga- <br />Police Review • general public invited to monthly CRA meeting to cooperation tion,union repre- <br />Authority express concerns required sentative may <br />(CRA) • appeal process under advise officer; <br />• complainant told whether complaint was sustained Garrity ruling during hearing, <br />• chief’s discipline not public until final disposition union attorney <br />defends officer <br />Orange County 2 • hearings open to public and media scrutiny no yes, but during hearings <br />Citizen Review • findings and the sheriff’s discipline are matters never used <br />Board of public record <br />• no appeal <br />Portland Police 3, 4 • PIIAC audits open to public and media no yes none <br />Internal • citizen advisory subcommittee meetings open to <br />Investigations public and media <br />Auditing Committee • appeal to city council <br />(PIIAC) • PIIAC decisions are public; chief’s discipline is not <br />Rochester Civilian 2 • reviews are closed yes no none <br />Review Board • results are not public <br />• no appeal <br />St. Paul Police 2 • hearings are closed no yes, but none <br />Civilian Internal • no appeal never used <br />Affairs Review • no publicizing of disciplinary recommendations <br />Commission <br />San Francisco 1 • chief’s hearings are closed yes yes during investigation; <br />Office of • police commission hearings are public during hearing <br />Citizen Complaints • appeal process for officers <br />• complaint histories and findings confidential <br />• chief’s discipline not public <br />Tucson Independent 2, 4 • monitoring is private no no not applicable <br />Police Auditor and • appeal process <br />Citizen Police • board holds monthly public meeting at which <br />Advisory Review public may raise concerns <br />Board <br />* Type 1: citizens investigate allegations and recommend findings; type 2: police officers investigate allegations and develop findings; citizens review <br />findings; type 3: complainants appeal police findings to citizens; type 4: an auditor investigates the police or sheriff’s department’s investigation <br />process. <br />EXHIBIT 1.TYPE AND SELECTED FEATURES OF NINE OVERSIGHT SYSTEMS <br />E XECUTIVE S UMMARY <br />viii