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Wednesday of every month except August, PRC serves <br />as a public forum at which citizens can express concerns <br />about police policies and procedures. The meetings, <br />announced in advance to the press, usually last about <br />90 minutes and draw as many as 30 residents and media <br />if there is a controversial issue of community concern. <br />An IA investigating sergeant attends every PRC general <br />meeting. <br />At the meetings, the PRC chairperson asks for public <br />comment, subcommittees (e.g., on community outreach) <br />give reports, and new business is taken up. Barbara <br />Attard gives a report on the number of new cases filed <br />since the previous meeting and identifies cases that she <br />recommends be closed administratively. She may invite a <br />police unit (e.g., domestic violence, bicycle) to come to <br />describe its activities. <br />PRC’s charter also requires it to hold special public <br />hearings at the request of board members or voters to <br />air controversial matters related to allegations of police <br />misconduct. <br />Policy recommendations <br />Either as a result of a public meeting or because of specific <br />citizen complaints that PRC has heard, board members <br />and Attard recommend changes in department policies and <br />procedures. In the wake of riots in a local park in 1991, <br />which resulted in over 30 complaints to PRC alleging <br />officer misconduct, the city council directed PRC to <br />review and make recommendations on “all aspects of <br />crowd control policies at large demonstrations.” After <br />study and deliberation, PRC recommended 12 specific <br />changes that the department later implemented (see <br />chapter 3, “Other Oversight Responsibilities”). <br />Staffing and budget <br />Each of the nine city council members appoints one PRC <br />board member. Board members may serve indefinitely <br />until the appointing city council members replace them. <br />Most serve 5 or 6 years; four have served for at least 10 <br />years. Board members select one of their members to a <br />1-year nonrenewable term as chairperson. <br />The city manager appoints the PRC officer and provides <br />an investigator. Officially, the PRC officer and investiga- <br />tor are the city manager’s staff. However, the public sees <br />them as acting as the PRC commissioners’ staff. The city <br />manager in effect delegates his role in supervising PRC <br />to the PRC officer. Two office assistants complete the staff. <br />PRC’s budget for fiscal year 1998–99 was $277,255 (see <br />exhibit 2–4). Until 1998, the budget declined steadily for <br />several years, along with a reduction in staffing levels <br />from six full-time equivalents (PRC officer, two investi- <br />gators, three clerical support) in 1992 and 1993 to four <br />full-time staff (two professionals and two clerical sup- <br />port) in 1997. <br />Distinctive features <br />Berkeley’s oversight procedure is unusual in that the over- <br />sight body and the police department investigate many <br />complaints simultaneously and independently, rather than <br />sequentially. The system has other interesting features. <br />• Because the police department’s IA unit and PRC <br />conduct parallel investigations, if a citizen files a com- <br />plaint with PRC, the case has the benefit—but incurs <br />the expense—of two separate investigations. <br />• Although PRC must refer all complaints that citizens <br />file with the board to the police department for simul- <br />taneous investigation, internal affairs does not refer <br />cases routinely to PRC. While the PRC ordinance <br />requires IA to refer all its complaints, State law makes <br />citizen complaints filed with IA confidential. As a <br />Budget Item Funding Level <br />Employees $180,713 <br />Employee education program 586 <br />Fringe benefits 70,659 <br />Stipend–police commission 12,390 <br />Office equipment/furniture 2,895 <br />Facilities maintenance 410 <br />Building and structure 1,120 <br />Telephone 1,761 <br />Pagers 103 <br />Central duplicating 680 <br />Supplies/accessories 2,408 <br />Postage 1,045 <br />Workers compensation 2,485 <br />Total $277,255 <br />C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />25 <br />EXHIBIT 2–4. BERKELEY POLICE REVIEW <br />COMMISSION BUDGET,FISCAL YEAR 1998–99