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Findings <br />Board of inquiry findings are based on clear and convinc- <br />ing evidence. Possible findings include unfounded, exon- <br />erated, not sustained, and sustained. PRC presents its <br />findings to the city manager and the chief. If the IA and <br />PRC findings differ, a designee of the city manager <br />reviews the decision and recommends to the city manag- <br />er which finding to support. However, because IA has <br />already completed its investigation and recommended a <br />finding to the chief, the chief has typically already ruled <br />on IA’s finding and, if appropriate, imposed discipline. <br />Nevertheless, because the city manager has ultimate <br />authority in disciplinary matters, he can overturn the <br />chief’s decision after reviewing PRC’s finding. In prac- <br />tice, however, the city manager does not try to reconcile <br />different findings; the chief alone decides whether to <br />reverse IA’s finding. <br />Appeals <br />Within 15 days after the complainant and subject officer <br />have been sent PRC’s finding, either party may petition <br />in writing for a rehearing. There had been no rehearings <br />as of October 1998 because police officers had never <br />requested one and complainants had not been able to <br />document that they had newly discovered evidence. <br />Commissioners and the PRC officer have no regular pro- <br />cedure for learning what IA’s dispositions are. California <br />statute (§832.7) provides that “Peace officer personnel <br />records and records maintained by any state or local <br />agency, . . . or information obtained from those records, <br />are confidential and shall not be disclosed in any criminal <br />or civil proceeding except by discovery.” As a result, the <br />complainant does not learn whether or what kind of dis- <br />cipline, if any, the chief imposes. (See “A Citizen Has <br />Mixed Feelings About the PRC Process.”) <br />Other activities <br />PRC performs two additional functions. <br />Public forum for complaints and policy issues <br />At its general meetings held on the second and fourth <br />C HAPTER 2: CASE S TUDIES OF N INE O VERSIGHT P ROCEDURES <br />24 <br />A CITIZEN HAS MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THE PRC PROCESS <br />A Berkeley resident was stopped by a police officer and cited for a traffic violation.The citizen felt he had not <br />committed the violation but had been singled out because of his ethnicity. A few weeks later, he heard about PRC <br />from a friend, who had read about it in the newspaper. Several weeks later, he wrote a letter to PRC and the chief <br />describing the incident and alleging several acts of misconduct by the officer. <br />An internal affairs investigator telephoned the man to say that IA would investigate the case independently of <br />PRC.The IA investigator interviewed him on the phone.The PRC investigator interviewed the man face-to-face in <br />a 1-hour taped interview.The PRC investigator warned him that the outcome of the case was uncertain.The com- <br />plainant was frightened and tired and concerned the police might retaliate against him for having filed the com- <br />plaint. But he followed through. After the interview, the investigator sent him a copy of the transcript along with <br />the officer’s statement. <br />At the hearing, the complainant and the officer each gave a statement and asked each other questions.The three <br />board members asked them questions, too.The commissioners then left the room for 20 to 30 minutes to delib- <br />erate.Two board members found that the officer had engaged in an unprofessional backtalk, but all three exoner- <br />ated the officer on the other allegations.The board member who dissented from the one negative finding <br />explained his position. <br />The PRC investigator told the complainant at the end of the hearing that he would not learn whether the officer <br />would receive any discipline for the sustained allegation.The complainant felt frustrated by this, but he also want- <br />ed to put the episode behind him. Overall, the complainant said,“If a similar incident happened again, I would still <br />file a complaint with the PRC just to see justice done.”