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calls from interested parties to share information about <br />what works best for them and why. The names and tele- <br />phone numbers of these individuals follow each case <br />study. Chapter 8, “Additional Sources of Help,” identifies <br />other individuals with national experience with oversight <br />systems who are available for consultation. <br />The Berkeley, California, <br />Police Review Commission: <br />A Citizen Board and the Police <br />Department Investigate <br />Complaints Simultaneously <br />Background <br />After allegations of police use of excessive force in clear- <br />ing street people from a local park, Berkeley voters in <br />1973 approved a ballot initiative that created by ordi- <br />nance the Police Review Commission (PRC), the oldest <br />continuously operating citizen oversight agency in the <br />Nation. <br />Citizens filed 42 cases with PRC in 1997. The board con- <br />ducted hearings in 12 cases, which sometimes included <br />multiple allegations (some of which came from the previ- <br />ous year’s filings). The board sustained at least 1 allega- <br />tion in 2 of the 12 hearings, for a total of 4 sustained <br />allegations. The board did not sustain 30 allegations. The <br />board closed another 34 cases without hearings, either <br />because the case lacked merit or the complainant failed <br />to cooperate. For the first half of 1998, in 5 of the 11 <br />hearings held, there was at least 1 sustained allegation. <br />The review process <br />Exhibit 2–3 illustrates the Police Review Commission’s <br />procedures. <br />C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />21 <br />THUMBNAIL SKETCH:BERKELEY <br />Model: citizens investigate (type 1) <br />Jurisdiction: Berkeley, California <br />Population: 107,800 <br />Government: city council/city manager <br />Appointment of chief: city manager nominates, city council approves; city manager can remove <br />Sworn officers: 190 <br />Oversight funding: $277,255 <br />Oversight staff: two full-time professionals; two full-time clerical <br />Oversight supervisor: city manager appoints Police Review Commission officer <br />A nine-member, all volunteer Police Review Commission (PRC) appointed by the city council holds public hearings <br />of citizen complaints against the police department (with three commissioners participating in each hearing). <br />A PRC officer appointed by the city manager forwards each complaint she receives to the police department’s <br />internal affairs (IA) bureau, and she and IA conduct simultaneous but independent investigations of the complaint. <br />The PRC officer forwards her investigation results to the PRC board for a hearing. After the hearing, the board <br />submits its findings to the city manager and the chief. Any citizen may express concerns about department poli- <br />cies or procedures at full commission meetings. Based on these public meetings and examination of complaints <br />citizens have filed, PRC recommends policy and procedure changes to the city manager and chief.