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EXHIBIT 2–3. CITIZEN COMPLAINT PROCESS IN BERKELEY <br />Intake <br />Citizens may file complaints directly with PRC within 90 <br />days of the alleged misconduct. The ordinance requires <br />PRC to forward complaints to the police department’s <br />internal affairs bureau within 30 calendar days. IA and <br />PRC then both investigate the case independently. PRC <br />and the police department have 120 days to communicate <br />their findings to the city manager and for the city manag- <br />er or chief to determine discipline. <br />Citizens who file a complaint initially with the police <br />department’s internal affairs bureau may file the com- <br />plaint subsequently with PRC within the 90-day limit, <br />after which the parallel PRC and IA investigations occur. <br />The IA investigators give complainants a brochure on the <br />complaint process that mentions PRC, and they tell citi- <br />zens who express dissatisfaction with the IA investigation <br />about the PRC option. From 1994 through 1998, 53 per- <br />cent of complainants registered their complaints initially <br />with IA rather than being referred by PRC. <br />Investigations <br />Either Barbara Attard, the PRC officer, or the PRC inves- <br />tigator conducts an investigation of each complaint. <br />Subject officers must appear and answer questions, but <br />they may appear with a union representative or lawyer. <br />Hearings <br />To hear each complaint, PRC staff impanel a board of <br />inquiry consisting of three of the nine board members. <br />The three choose a chairperson from among themselves. <br />One week before the hearing, PRC staff provide the <br />members with a packet containing the results of their <br />investigation along with relevant ordinances, statutes, and <br />department policies and procedures. Attard sends a notice <br />to the chief who, according to the ordinance, must order <br />the involved officer(s) to attend. A lieutenant, the duty <br />command officer for the week, is always present to <br />answer questions about police policy, procedures, and <br />training. <br />As soon as the hearing begins, the chairperson makes <br />clear that the board can offer only recommendations to <br />the city manager and the chief. The hearing then pro- <br />ceeds as follows: <br />1. The complainant presents the complaint and intro- <br />duces any witnesses. <br />C HAPTER 2: CASE S TUDIES OF N INE O VERSIGHT P ROCEDURES <br />22 <br />With PRC <br />Citizen files <br />complaint <br />With IA <br />PRC forwards <br />complaint <br />to IA <br />PRC officer <br />investigates <br />Citizen files <br />complaint <br />with PRC <br />IA <br />investigates <br />Board of inquiry <br />held <br />PRC officer <br />recommends <br />summary <br />dismissal or <br />administrative <br />closure <br />Full PRC reviews <br />recommendation <br />Case <br />closed <br />Finding <br />submitted <br />to city <br />manager <br />and chief