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Subpoena Complaints System Activities* Openness to Public Scrutiny Power ReviewedBerkeley Police 42 complaints filed and investigated •hearings and commission decisions are open to public and media yes •all types of complaintsReview Commission 12 hearings • general PRC meetings available for public to express concerns(PRC) • appeal process• IA’s dispositions and discipline not publicOffice of the Flint 313 cases investigated • findings distributed to media and city archives yes, but • all types of complaintsOmbudsman • no appeal never used• chief’s finding public, but not disciplineMinneapolis Civilian 159 formal complaints investigated • hearings are private no, but • all types of complaints except Police Review 14 cases mediated •general public invited to monthly CRA meeting to express testimony conduct for which officers canAuthority (CRA) 6 stipulations concerns required be fired or charged criminally 3 hearings • appeal process under Garrity• complainant told whether complaint was sustained ruling• chief’s discipline not public until final dispositionOrange County 45 board hearings • hearings are open to public and media scrutiny yes, but • allegations of use of excessive forceCitizen Review Board • findings and the sheriff’s discipline are matters of public record never used • discharges of firearms• no appeal • abuse of powerPortland Police Internal 21 appeals processed • PIIAC audits are open to public and media yes • all types of complaintsInvestigations Auditing 98 audits of completed cases • citizen advisory subcommittee meetings are openCommittee (PIIAC) to public and media• appeal to city council• PIIAC decisions are public; chief’s discipline is notRochester Civilian 26 cases reviewed • reviews are closed no • allegations of use of excessive forceReview Board 4 cases mediated • results are not public • conduct that, if proven, would • no appeal constitute a crime• other matters as determined by the chiefSt. Paul Police Civilian 71 cases reviewed • hearings are closed yes, but • allegations of use of excessive forceInternal Affairs Review • no appeal never used • discharge of firearmsCommission • no publicizing of disciplinary recommendations • discrimination• poor public relations• other matters as determined by the chief or mayorSan Francisco Office 983 cases investigated and closed • chief’s hearings are closed yes • all types of complaintsof Citizen Complaints 50 chief’s hearings • police commission hearings are generally public6 police commission trials • appeal process for officers• complaint histories and findings are confidential• chief’s discipline not publicTucson Independent 96 complaints • monitoring is private no • all types of complaintsPolice Auditor and 63 investigations monitored • appeal processCitizen Police Advisory (9/1/97 to 6/30/98) • board holds monthly meeting for public to express concernsReview Board* Data from 1997 unless indicated otherwise.C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />19EXHIBIT2–2. ADDITIONALFEATURES OF THENINEOVERSIGHTSYSTEMS