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C HAPTER 2: CASE S TUDIES OF N INE O VERSIGHT P ROCEDURES <br />18 EXHIBIT2–1. SELECTEDFEATURES OF THENINEOVERSIGHTSYSTEMSLocation Name TypeaPrincipal Activities Paid Staff BudgetBerkeley Police Review 1 • board hears complaints in public hearings and recommends findings 4 full time $277,255pop.: 107,800 Commission to the city managersworn: 190 • board and IA investigate many cases simultaneously• board recommends policy changesFlint Office of the 1 • office investigates complaints against all city departments 2 full time $173,811pop.: 134,881 Ombudsman • office reports subject officers’ names to the media 1 part timesworn: 333 • chief relies primarily on internal affairs’ (IA’s) investigation resultsMinneapolis Civilian Police Review 1 • paid professionals, not IA, investigate complaints 7 full time $504,213pop.: 358,785 Authority • volunteer board members hear valid complaints with probable causesworn: 919 • half of cases with probable cause are stipulated• many cases are professionally mediatedOrange County Citizen Review Board 2 • board members review IA findings on use-of-force cases 2 part time $20,000pop.: 749,631 • board members make policy recommendationssworn: 1,134 • a sheriff’s captain coordinates the board’s activitiesPortland Police Internal 3, 4 • citizens hear appeals; the city council hears further appeals 1 full time $43,000pop.: 480,824 Investigations Auditing • citizen advisers review closed casessworn: 1,004 Committee • an examiner audits IA investigations• all three provide policy recommendationsRochester Civilian Review Board 2 • board members are trained mediators 1 full time $128,069pop.: 221,594 • specially trained board members conduct conciliations 3 part timesworn: 685 • board provides policy and training recommendationsSt. Paul Police Civilian Internal 2 • police chief established board as inhouse review procedure 1 part time $37,160pop.: 259,606 Affairs Review • board, not IA, recommends disciplinesworn: 581 Commission • seven-member board includes two St. Paul police officersSan Francisco Office of Citizen 1 • office, not IA, investigates most complaints 30 full time $2,198,778pop.: 735,315 Complaints • office prosecutes cases in chief’s hearings and police commission trialssworn: 2,100 • office recommends policy and training changesTucson Independent Police 2, 4 • auditor reviews completed cases 2 full time $144,150pop.: 449,002 Auditor and Citizen • auditor sits in on ongoing cases and asks questionssworn: 865 Police Advisory • board can review completed casesReview Board • board hears community’s concerns about the police• auditor and board make policy recommendationsa.Type 1: citizens investigate allegations and recommend findings; type 2: police officers investigate allegations and develop findings; citizens review findings; type 3: complainants appeal police findings to citizens; type 4: an auditor investigates the police or sheriff’s department’s investigation process.b.This represents the proportion of staff who handle complaints against the police.b