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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 19, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />r. continued.... <br />specific site location will be determined in <br />activities initiated in 1997." That was <br />from the Real Estate Strategy Team, which <br />is a team composed of both public and <br />private sector representatives. The other <br />reasons, and I will speed this up, is that the <br />existing uses in the buildings, we feel, <br />even with the rehab of some of them will <br />not have the long -term utility and viability <br />and add to the downtown plan. The <br />fragmented ownership and the small lots <br />make this site unlikely to be developed in <br />a timely manner and with optimum <br />development. Fragmented ownership is <br />one of the key aspects of why <br />Redevelopment gets into the business that <br />they are in. In summing up, I would say <br />the proposed acquisition and the land <br />assembly plus the development concept <br />that we're proposing to you today, <br />supports the downtown plan by focusing <br />on a higher density development, by <br />focusing on use of the existing parking <br />garages, by enhancing the image, identity <br />and market of people downtown. It <br />supports the retail spine that is part of the <br />Plan by putting high density development <br />close to those convenience retail and <br />restaurants, and it strengthens the visibility <br />and prestige of the downtown which will <br />help us market it. The site here calls for <br />nothing less than a Class A, 50,000 to <br />75000 sf office development. <br />F:\ ROME\CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\121997.MIN -37- <br />