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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 7, 1997 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a. continued.... <br />abatement was submitted. The three <br />homes are as follows: 804 W. LaSalle <br />Avenue, 808 W. LaSalle Avenue and 2520 <br />W. Calvert Street. The first two at 804 <br />and 808 W. LaSalle Avenue have already <br />been approved for tax abatement and the <br />home at 2520 W. Calvert remains for tax <br />abatement consideration. A review of the <br />building permit lists did not disclose any <br />further instances of homes that may fall <br />under the provisions established by the <br />1996 repealed ordinance. Mike Beitzinger <br />noted that to the best of his knowledge, no <br />further applications for residential tax <br />abatement will be submitted under the <br />provisions of the repealed ordinance. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Division of <br />Planning and Neighborhood Development <br />had sent maps to various home builders <br />but did not send a cover letter along with <br />the tax abatement area map. Ms. Auburn <br />asked if there was any type of <br />identification on the map showing that it <br />was new or old. Larry Magliozzi stated <br />that the only requests he received <br />regarding the April 1996, October 1996 or <br />June 1997 ordinances were from builders <br />or realtors. The builders or realtors, at that <br />time, were provided with a map that was <br />currently active. <br />A motion was made by Mr. Donoho, and <br />seconded by Ms. Auburn to approve an <br />application for real property tax deduction <br />for property located at 2520 W. Calvert <br />AdK <br />HAH 0ME\ CPHWPS \WPDATA \C0MMSN\110797.MIN -6- <br />