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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 7, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />g. continued.... <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded <br />by Ms. Schwartz and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission accepted the proposals <br />from Richard McCloskey in the amount of <br />$3,000 and Ralph Lauver in the amount of <br />$4,100 for appraisal services in the <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area. <br />h. Commission authorization requested for <br />use of the Morris Civic Plaza for the <br />Holiday Tree Lighting. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that a letter was <br />received from the Parks and Recreation <br />Department requesting use of the Morris <br />CW Civic Plaza for the "Holiday Tree <br />Lighting" scheduled for Friday, <br />December 5, 1997, at 6:00 p.m., and the <br />"Downtown for the Holidays" scheduled <br />for December 5 - 7, 1997. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded <br />by Ms. Schwartz and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission authorized the use of the <br />Morris Civic Plaza for the "Holiday Tree <br />Lighting" on December 5, 1997, at 6:00 <br />p.m. and "Downtown for the Holidays" <br />subject to the Parks and Recreation <br />Department providing a Certificate of <br />Insurance. <br />i. Commission approval requested for <br />Loan and Grant in connection with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property <br />located at 741 Dundee. (Birdie <br />Williams) <br />H:\H0ME\CPF11PPS\WPDATA\C0MMSN\1 10797.MIN -16- <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSALS FROM <br />RICHARD MCCLOSKEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000 <br />AND RALPH LAUVER IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,100 <br />FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES IN THE SAMPLE -EWING <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE USE OF THE <br />MORRIS CIVIC PLAZA FOR THE "HOLIDAY TREE <br />LIGHTING" ON DECEMBER 5, 1997, AT 6:00 P.M. <br />AND "DOWNTOWN FOR THE HOLIDAYS" SUBJECT <br />TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br />PROVIDING A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br />