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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 7, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />i. continued.... <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the loan to Birdie <br />Williams is in the amount of $4,950 at 3% <br />interest for 12 years with monthly <br />payments of $40.98. The grant is in the <br />amount of $3,121.80. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved the Loan and <br />Grant in connection with the Affordable <br />Loan Program for property located at 741 <br />Dundee. (Birdie Williams) <br />j. Commission approval requested for <br />Loan and Grant in connection with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property <br />located at 1213 E. Miner St. (Brenda <br />Haithcox) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the loan to Brenda <br />Haithcox is in the amount of $9,600 at 4% <br />interest for 10 years with monthly <br />payments of $97.20. The grant is in the <br />amount of $3,996.96. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved the Loan and <br />Grant in connection with the Affordable <br />Loan Program for property located at 1213 <br />E. Miner St. (Brenda Haithcox) <br />k. Commission approval requested for <br />easement with Indiana Michigan Power <br />Company for property located in the <br />Airport Economic Development Area. <br />cH:\ HOME\ CPHWPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\110797.MIN -17- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN AND GRANT <br />IN CONNECTION WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 741 <br />DUNDEE. (BIRDIE WILLIAMS) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN AND GRANT <br />IN CONNECTION WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1213 E. <br />MINER ST. (BRENDA HAITHCOX) <br />