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CITY OF Sou l: i BEND <br />S-I-BI1HE 1. Luu-'-KE, MAYOR <br />OFF "a O `:: 1'%4AY(-'R <br />l��L'ct771�Cr -�. 1007 <br />Rev. Timothv Rouse. President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />227 W. Jefferson Blvd. <br />4" Floor, County -Cit!: Building <br />South Bend. RN' 46601 <br />Re: Vett) of Bill 61-07 <br />Dear President Rouse: <br />Exhibit B <br />On November 25. 2007 the South Bend Cormnon Council nassed Bili 6l-07 by a vott! of -5-3. <br />'!'lila 'illtl amtncteti the zoning ordinanee and esw',-liz,!-xd an historic landmark tor [tic property JucaLtzd <br />at 1905 Cailege. specifically :Marqucttc Pritnary Center and the propert-y identified by Tax Key w <br />0 US -7-116-4254. <br />The Common Council acted within its authority and best judgment to desigiiate this site as a <br />I:indrnark. However, the Board of the South Bend Community School Corporation. another elected <br />bony. has decided in its best judgment. that constnic.tinn a new that site is in the best <br />interests of strident; and the communit:. Became of their decision. the School Corporation opposed <br />the etfi)rt to designate yEarquette School and its sut-rounding property as historic. I respect the <br />processes used and the conclusions reached by both. Bodies. <br />In addition. a public remonstrance was filed against the bond issue which would fund Several <br />SEX'SC projects. including construction ofanew Marquette School. i -lie results of that ••vote' are <br />not yet certified, but I believe that result should also can'; weight in this decision. <br />After much deliberation and consultation u:-ith numerous individuals, both pro and can. I <br />have decided to veto Bill 61-07. Nly first priorit%! is that an elementary: school remain at this location. <br />Though I personally would favor renovation of the existing building, 1 aril keenly aware: that historic <br />desi4rration status does not guarantee that a school will remain in tilt building_ SBCSC can still <br />move for%vard with new construction either on this lot, or at.another location. Because the entire <br />parcel is desi-�,iiated. it rna4 be more dillicult for the School Corp. to build on this lot. <br />CoU,\rY-C.'TY .be;iLM;G • 227W I MERSON BOULaVtaD • INDLANA 46001 <br />PHONE 5741235-9261 - Rk-, 5741235-9812 • TDD 57-11235.556 <br />