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Exhibit <br />Rev. Timothy Rouse, President <br />Deccniber 5. X007 <br />Noe <br />fit addition, past practice of the Common Council has been to seek the consent of tete owner <br />when designaun_; a building as historic. I reco-nixe that this is not required by Ordinance or State <br />law'. however it has generally led to better upkeep when the owner seek- the historic stattt;. An <br />exception can he made for publicly owned buildings, but the turner's acceptance is important td1 the <br />success of iartdtnarkiri f. I note ►rich pride that tete School Corp. has Successfully renovated several <br />scltouls in South Bend, including Jefferson, Madison and Adatns. Renovalion OfMonroc School is <br />part of the work to be clone with the proposed bond proceeds. 1 recall that when the Historic <br />Presm--ation Commission sought historic designation for Madison School, the School Corp. did not <br />appose that status. Thev ltzzwe actively opposed such designation for �larcluettc. <br />1 veto Bill 61-07 for the following reasons: <br />• It design: es the entire parcel as historic rather titan the buikiing and a portion of land <br />around it. <br />• It does not have the support of the owner. <br />IN The public remonstrance should cast the final vote in whether or not the School Corp. <br />can build a new school at this site. <br />As I veto rhia bill. I also have several requests concerning this site of the South Bend Community <br />School Corporation. First, please maintain and operate a quality school at this location. Second, <br />though I respect the proccs5 and due diligence used in choosing to build a new school rather than <br />renovate the existing building, I do riot believe that the; ocne:rai public -is fully convinced that this is <br />the best choice. Also. some believe that there is rteW information winch Should be evaluated. So, f <br />respectfully request the School Corp. to revisit the analysis of costs to renovate Marquetry and to also <br />take adi,antagc of Bill Latoza's offer to share his experience xvith the Chicago School system. Them <br />is time to do this "Value enaince:ring' of the decision before the bond is approved. It may lead to the <br />;ame conchmion, but resident; will be assured that you have Belly investigated all possible options. <br />Third, iia new school is constructed at the site, please have the architecture complement 111-1 <br />neighborhood and site the building in such a way that demolition of the existing school is not <br />required. Pinally, if a new school is constntcted, please be open to alternate users for the existing <br />Wilding. If a visible use is found, with financing and a feasible business plan. please Cooperate with <br />it developer to help renovation of the building to succeed. <br />I appreciate the tont; hours. good intentions and difficult decisions by both the Common <br />Council and the School Corporation Board. Thank yott for your dedication and hard work. <br />Sincereb.:. <br />{, pben J.1-ttccke <br />Mayor <br />South fiend Common Council <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />Ur. Robert 'Lirnmerttian <br />South fiend Community School Corporation Board <br />