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A. HEIGHT AND PROPORTION <br />The majority of structures in the district are two stories high and are square, rectangular, or irregular in plan. There are <br />a few story -and -a -half residences. The prevalent facade proportions are between a 1:1 and a 1:2 height -to -width ratio. <br />Required The height of a new structure and its height -to -width proportions shall be consistent with adjacent buildings <br />in the district. The building height shall be no greater than that of the tallest existing structure and no less than that of <br />the lowest existing structure of the same type in the same block. Facade proportions shall be established by permitting <br />no structure with a facade wider or narrower than those existing in the same block. Additions to existing buildings shall <br />be related in height and proportion to the existing structure. <br />Recommended <br />Contemporary designs should be compatible in character and mood to the building or neighborhood. <br />Prohibited <br />Additions may not be constructed that would change the existing facade of a building, alter its scale or architectural <br />character, or add new height. <br />Not Recommended <br />New stories should not be added, nor should existing stories be removed, which would destroy <br />important architectural details, features or spaces of the building. Any style or period of architecture that is <br />incompatible with what exists should not be permitted in the new additions. <br />B. BUILDING MATERIALS <br />Wall materials in the district include brick, stucco, half-timbering, stone, clapboard, shingle, and <br />metal and vinyl siding. <br />Required <br />Exterior materials used on a new structure shall be compatible in scale, texture and color with adjacent structures. <br />Materials used on an addition to an existing structure shall relate to the existing or original materials of that structure. <br />As much of the original structure as possible shall be retained so that the addition could be removed without damage to <br />the basic structure and appearance of the building. <br />Recommended <br />Metal or vinyl siding may be used when it is the only feasible alternative. This siding should be compatible with the <br />original size and style and with the materials of other buildings in the district. <br />Prohibited <br />Inappropriate materials such as asbestos, asphalt, molded or artificial stone, or artificial brick shall not be used. <br />Not Recommended <br />Glass blocks should not be used. Concrete block should not be used for anything other than <br />foundations. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the in-kind replacement of the concrete driveway <br />and of the asphalt roof with the Timberline Prestique 30. Although the proposed addition above the garage will change <br />the look of the house it, will be sympathetic to the architectural style of the home and it will be in proportion to the <br />house. The addition will match the exterior materials of the house in form and replicate the siding, trim and roofing <br />treatments of the original house. The window treatments are in scale with the addition and echo original features of the <br />house. Staff recommends approval of the addition as submitted as the design conforms to the Standards for East Wayne <br />Street. <br />On a motion by Linda Riley with a second by Dave Steinhauer to approve application as <br />submitted. Vote: 7-0 <br />COA 2011-0701C was approved unanimously. <br />STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Date: 7 July 2011 <br />Application Number: 2011-0707 <br />Property Location: 1130 E. Wayne Street <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: Tudor Revival/1928/Whitcomb&Keller <br />Property Owner: Kimberly and Matthew Bloom <br />Landmark or District Designation: East Wayne Street <br />Rating: Notable <br />