Laserfiche WebLink
9. Nomination of Historic Districts of South Bend, Indiana as the 2010 Best <br />Places to Buv an Old House, published by This Old House magazine and <br /> <br />Correspondence with Sue Solmos, South Bend Division of Community • <br />Development, Residential Marketing Specialist and Todd Zeiger, Historic <br />Landmarks Foundation <br />—Met with Sue S. and Todd Z. Ultimately, this committee decided to <br />nominate "The Historic Districts of South Bend", nothing in the county. <br />Began preparing nomination for submittal. <br />—Met with Sue S., Todd Z., and Tom Price to discuss nomination details. <br />Collected information from all sources, compiled into final nomination <br />and submitted nomination. <br />10. Update forms/templates files in our computer to reflect current <br />Commissioners and HPC staff. <br />11. Subscribe to neighborhood association listservs and update contacts. <br />12. Develop template for Sponsorships/ Partnerships Model. I will be using this <br />model for all projects in order to involve more stakeholders and more <br />opportunities for funding. <br />13. Historic Brick Streets Map project <br />Begin contacting stakeholders and generating interest. <br />• <br />14. Organize office supplies closets (all three), transferring outdated supplies to <br />the storage room. <br />15. Correspondence with Russ of MACOG regarding webpage updates. <br />16. Researching the details of becoming an education provider for professional <br />organizations such as AIA, USGBC, ASID, etc... so that our programming <br />(Window Workshops, etc...) would be accredited. <br />17. Historic Bike Route <br />—Met with Kathy Schuth of James Childs Architects to discuss the HPC <br />completing an online brochure of Historic Bike Route, as prepared by a <br />Leadership South Bend group. <br />18. Landmarks Assessment <br />Discussion with Catherine and Wayne regarding the assessment of ALL <br />of the Local Landmarks. Discussion with Commissioner Todd Z. <br />regarding status of project. Will proceed with assessment project. <br />19. Attend South Bend Masonry Day, hosted by International Masonry Institute, • <br />International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 4 IN/KY, and <br />Rose Brick and Materials. <br />2 <br />