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Historic Preservation Commission <br />President's Report — November '16th, 2009 <br />N1CIIORAND131I 10/06 5:00 PM -6:58 PM: I111C Work Session for Resolution 09-02 <br />(as proposed). General discussion over topics related to Commission/Staff procedures <br />regarding COA applications and management. Members Present: Timothy Ktusczinski- <br />President, David Sassano, Linda Riley, and Lynn Patrick (late arrival). Members Absent: <br />Todd Zeiger, Sandy Rossow and .fent' Niezgodski. Staff Present: Catherine Hostetler - <br />Director and Larry Mete iver-Legal Counsel. <br />o David Sassano raised several issues related to COA management, improving <br />Public perception thru the application process, enflorcement thereof and staff <br />checklist iorms used to determine if a COA was required or not (i.e. dead tree <br />removal). <br />o Linda Riley recalled scenarios relating COA procedures to projects inside the <br />Fast Wayne Street historic District and also raised the topic of permission 1,01- <br />dead <br />ordead tree removal. <br />o Lynn Patrick was concerned that adopting new Staff procedures could be <br />perceived as an admission to problems and questioned the formality of aclopting <br />policy by "resolution." She wanted the HPC to consider leaving well enough, <br />alone. <br />o Larry Meteiver cautioned that a board resolution is the preferred fonn for <br />changes in departmental policy and shouldn't be seen as anything more than <br />standard procedure. "lt's just a Robert's Rules thing... No big deal." <br />o Timothy Klusczinski remarked that new procedures in the COA process ser\,e <br />our need for continual improvement. A further benefit of policy would avoid <br />common pitfalls and disagreements that arise during public meetings. Consistent <br />policy keeps everyone on the same page and will help our department process <br />('OAs more efficiently. Klusczinski proposed minor changes for language in the <br />current draft.. <br />■ In response to a C011.for dead tree remorul (r(lised h.y Commissioners <br />.Sassano and Rik), Klilsezinski stated that it is less critical for tree <br />removid pose, than as (i mechallism to guarantee that rclducenicllt trees <br />be re -planned, as recommended ended bh district Guidebooks and coillilloll <br />sense. The tree cunapy is an importunt.kature of the historic <br />thorolrgllfilre. The COil is clu-rell111, the onli me(h(inislll fill projects <br />111C11!(Illlg ir'eC' !17(!11 {l£�rClilL111. Kli1s(-fiiiski (li(I ltal h(!r'c (rlty immediate <br />concern o1'Cr IIPC staff's InallcWerliellt of tree relnoI'al (rand rephullirlg) <br />in accordance with South Bend Cit v Forester recommendations. <br />■ Slwaking to HPC egfarceinent abllit'1" there is {r growing need that <br />P -111(llties be assesse(l.fol• construction projects that de/j, district/property <br />slandurds — esp. conducted without permits rind ccrlifiuiles. 77le power <br />to Teti j fines has been Proposed ill the past. <br />■ It is important to consider the opinions (?)"Commission Inembcrs that <br />could not {lttend this session. <br />o Catherine Hostetler commented that as far as COA procedures, "Absc.>lutcly! We <br />need something." Catherine shared an in-depth COA process plan from the City <br />of Indianapolis. Both Lang Meteiver and Timothy Klusczinski requested the <br />link to that resource. See: <br />http:%`us��s.indv. o\;`Vitv'DIID'if1P("R sources -Pros s`policies'020 tctl�� <br />_..._-. _.- .. _... - _..__ ....._ ._ -.. <br />She also shared a new staff checklist form, now in use — serving as <br />a project Rlllow-up and inspection report. <br />