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Sassano: I'm just responding to your criteria that you have to bid it out. to find existing <br />corner boards? Will there be sojjit boards? <br />Maradik: All of those things, the corner boards and all of that are things that they do put <br />on. <br />Sassano: I'm just responding to your criteria that you have to bid it out. You're bidding <br />out something that... (unintelligible- paper shuffling near microphone) <br />Klusczinski: Any other questions for the petitioner? Thank you very much. We move on <br />now to Commission discussion. I share Davids thoughts. I would certainly like to know <br />what's under the house before it's committed to have a certain appearance especially in <br />the historic district that we're talking about. The AWN house rehab model is north of <br />that I believe? <br />Maradik: It's just east of the property. <br />Klusczinski: Ok. And there were some features that were incorporated into their version <br />of the siding that were not called out in this particular C ofA application. So, what I <br />would like to do, I would only feel comfortable tonight giving a conditional approval <br />where I would have some limits if we were going to go that way so that you might <br />consider part of the work and be able to move forward in some way. It seems that there's <br />a difference of opinion between the staff recommendation that the windows be left in <br />place and that they're good enough and it would be worth doing, and your testimony that <br />says they're deteriorated. We could certainly charge the Standards and Maintenance <br />committee to do some investigation but I think one consideration for this case is that the <br />City of South Bend might have to take a look at some of the things that wouldn't get <br />approved tonight and maybe we could find some compromise or some happy ground or <br />something like that. And consider in the most expeditious way anything that you might be <br />willing to come back with. Those are just my thoughts; I'd certainly appreciate anyone <br />else's. <br />Chase: Well, we've always taken some siding off, trim off; whenever we've looked at a <br />house something has been taken off to determine what's underneath. So to do all this, to <br />put bids on an unknown is unusual. <br />Klusczinski: If there's no other discussion, we'll move on to public hearing. Any member <br />of the public wishing to speak in support of the current petition? Hearing none, is there <br />any member of the public wishing to speak in opposition of the current position? Also <br />hearing none, Chair closes public hearing. What's your pleasure? As the by-laws allow <br />the President to make a motion here I will do so. I would approve a conditional approval <br />of C ofA 2008-0512 with the following contingencies: to substitute the replacement of <br />new storms and screens for the sash kits currently called out, no replication of decorative <br />features in siding, recommending instead that the existing uncovered features be <br />rehabilitated and remain visible not covered by new siding and replacement may only <br />occur if these features show extensive damage. I would allow the use of Smartside <br />conditionally if it will match the style, profile and reveal of the original siding now <br />covered by aluminum, and if features like the belt course may be achieved or re-created <br />by using it. Foundation repairs must be repaired by patching agents or mortar that are <br />compatible with existing structural materials. The proposed porch reconstruction should <br />be permitted. HPC staff should have the authority to recommend and approve unknown <br />project elements as they occur and within the parameters approved by the HPC Board <br />under this application and these criteria. That is my motion. <br />Chase: Second. <br />Klusczinski: Motion has been made and seconded. Any discussion? All those in favor <br />signify by saying aye. (Ayes are heard) Opposed? (Silence) Motion carries. <br />Moved: Klusczinski Second: Chase <br />Approval of amended 2008-0512 Approved 5-0 <br />2 <br />