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�SpUTH gFN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />r <br />�w <br />2008 STANDING COMMITTEES <br />1865 � <br />EXECUTIVE OFFICERS <br />Timothy Klusczinski, President & Chair <br />Lynn Patrick, Vice President <br />Gerald Ujdak, Secretary <br />Mary Jane Chase, Treasurer <br />BUDGET & FINANCE: Advises budgetary appropriations, project expenditures and other <br />financial matters. <br />Mary Jane Chase, Chair <br />Linda Riley, Catherine Hostetler - Ex Officio, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />LEGAL AFFAIRS: Makes Legal recommendations as they relate to historic sites, structures, <br />properties and/or the entire HPC as an agency. <br />Todd Zeiger, Chair <br />HPC Legal Representative, Catherine Hostetler - Ex Officio, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />STANDARDS & MAINTENANCE: Investigates proposals for of applications and recommends <br />solutions sympathetic to existing guidelines, standards and utilizing preferred rehabilitation practices. <br />David Sassano, Chair <br />Lynn Patrick, Linda Riley, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />*Paul Hayden, Technical Consultant (pending) <br />HISTORIC LANDMARKS: Recommends the historic designation or de -listing of individual sites, <br />structures or properties and develops preservation strategies from survey information. <br />Linda Riley, Chair <br />Todd Zeiger, Gerald Ujdak, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />*Sandy Rossow, Citizen Member (pending) <br />HISTORIC DISTRICTS: Recommends the historic designation or de -listing of district sites, <br />structures or properties and develops preservation strategies from survey information. <br />Collaborates with LHD Liaisons on projects. <br />Lynn Patrick, Chair <br />Todd Zeiger, Mary Jane Chase, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />*John Nagy - Citizen Member (pending) <br />FACADES & EASEMENTS <br />Gerald Ujdak, Chair <br />Mary Jane Chase, Catherine Hostetler — Ex Officio, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio, <br />PUBLIC RELATIONS & COMMUNITY EDUCATION Outreach and educational initiatives. <br />Lynn Patrick, Chair <br />David Sassano, Todd Zeiger, Timothy Klusczinski - Ex Officio <br />*Veronnica Towne - Citizen Member (pending) <br />