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f 4 <br />4. 2006-0403: 849 Forest Avenue <br />Catherine Hostetler read the staff report and Joan Downs-Krostenko was present at the meeting. She <br />noted one change to the application: her contractor had recommended against the square scoring of <br />the driveway. There was some discussion about the scoring and effect the retention of the bottom <br />portion of the driveway might have upon the streetscape and the rhythm of the properties. Jerry <br />Ujdak asked about the height of the retaining wall. It would be two courses tall. <br />Joann Sporleder moved to approve application 2006-0403 as presented, all parts included. <br />Timothy Klusczinski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. <br />S. 2006-0224: Shetterley Park <br />Catherine read an email from Jason Durr of the South Bend Department of Public Works. He <br />requested to withdraw this application from consideration and would submit a new application. <br />B. LANDMARKS (There were none heard.) <br />C. NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATIONS (There were none heard.) <br />III. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />1. March 20, 2006 <br />Todd Zeiger moved to accept the March 20`h meeting minutes as submitted. Jerry Ujdak seconded the <br />motion and it passed unanimously. <br />B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />Timothy Klusczinski asked about expenditures for Southhold and the Restore Michiana conference <br />and then submitted the report to the Commission. <br />C. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />1. President's Report <br />Lynn Patrick delayed her report until Shawn Peterson had arrived from his earlier meeting. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. C of A Approvals; Correspondence; Director's Report <br />Catherine distributed a listing of the approved CofAs for the first quarter of 2006. There had been 23 <br />applications submitted. Catherine read the letter from John Strauss regarding salvage from Lincoln <br />School, a thank you note from the Oxian family and the letter received from the Hughes/Taschetta <br />family regarding the underpass of the Leeper Park Bridge. She also passed out her Director's report <br />and a summary of the work the Commission does in the City. Joann Sporleder asked how the <br />Commission's inventory compared to other cities. Todd Zeiger thought this Commission had the <br />largest inventory in Indiana with the exception of Indianapolis. <br />2. Assistant Director's Report: Julie Schutte passed out her report and noted the progress on the <br />Chapin Park Guidebooks. They would be delivered with the next five working days. <br />4. Legal: The Legal Report was delayed, as Shawn Peterson had not yet arrived. <br />