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MARY JANE CHASE: I just thought after twenty years he would have been aware of <br />this. <br />DIANA MATTHIAS: I would have thought so too. Peacock and Company, when they <br />repaired our porch after it was destroyed by a tornado in 2001 applied for a building <br />permit. It seemed understandable tome that what Jeff Dierbeck was doing this year was <br />very much less. It didn't seem to me that it was structural. I thought that was the <br />difference between the need for the building permit and no need for a building permit. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I will second the Standards and Maintenance Committee's <br />recommendation. <br />MARY JANE CHASk: Could you repeat that so we understand what we are <br />approving? <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Is it to approve the C of A as presented. <br />LYNN PATRICK: So we have to vote on the recommendation made by the Standards <br />and Maintenance Committee. <br />JOHN OXIAN:. Why don't we do an individual hand vote on this motion? <br />LYNN PATRICK: Let's put it to a hand vote then. All those in favor of accepting the <br />Standards and Maintenance Committee's recommendation signify by raising their hand. <br />Joann Sporleder was in favor of the recommendation and everyone else was against <br />the recommendation. Motion was denied. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: So what does this mean exactly? <br />LYNN PATRICK: This means that their C of A is denied. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: It was my understanding and Aladean; perhaps you can <br />illuminate me again, is that when a C of A is not accepted that the reasons for it being not <br />accepted must be part of the motion so that it's quite clear why it was not accepted. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Any denial of a C of A requires that those members of the <br />commission that are going to deny the C of A will need to state their reasons for denying <br />the C or A. <br />LYNN PATRICK: Should we do that at this point? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Absolutely. <br />Individual reasons for denial of C of A <br />TODD ZEIGER: My reasons are simply that the replacement of the historic material <br />that has been completed does not follow the guidelines as set up for the historic district in <br />which it sits. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: There was a Scamozzi which proved that was the capital that <br />should be there on the column which was changed to the Doric. I can't believe that a <br />contractor with a twenty year record does not know the procedures of the city for a <br />building permit. He would have known that he would have had to have a C of A and that <br />would have taken care of that right then. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ: I feel now that I have heard more of the detail of what actually <br />had transpired and the dates that went with it. There was ample time for them to have <br />followed through on instructions that they had. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I feel also based on additional verbal testimony that there are <br />insufficient grounds to grant this C of A based on contact with HPC personnel, based on <br />our mailings whether or not they opened them or chose not to, based on architectural <br />variety in the district which is one of the things that Chapin Park residents were very <br />11 <br />