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proud of. For these and other reasons which I can't come up with off the top of my head, <br />this is why I voted against the C of A. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Let me again caution you that your reasons cannot be generic <br />and must be specific. <br />JOHN OXIAN: You're saying that we cannot use the reasons that what was stated in <br />the Preservation Plan as a reason to deny it? <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: I am not saying that I am saying you can't use as your reason <br />the fact that they did not obtain a C of A in advance. You can use as your reason that it <br />doesn't comply with the standards and just the basis for your objection to the C of A. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I have several reasons. The Standards were sent out'and whether you <br />read the standards or not does not grant you the right to state that you found out later thus <br />in the Preservation Plan it specifically states what you may do and what you may not do. <br />You already replaced one of the Scamozzi capitals in 2001. You had a few to be <br />repaired. Allowing these to be repaired would have been the right route instead of having <br />them all removed which then means you're going against what was established as the <br />original picture of the building or the house at the time the district was established. That <br />would be several of my reasons for denying this C of A. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Let me give you a pointer as your making your decision. The <br />rules say that shall be retained or replaced by replicas of the same design where by the <br />design more in keeping with the historic period of the structure. I think you'll have to <br />factually state that the Doric is not more in keeping than the Scamozzi for the historic <br />period of the structure. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I really disagree with you there. I don't think I have to justify that <br />because that was there and she came in with a C of A after the fact and after the <br />Scamozzis were removed and a different style was put in. That to me does not justify the <br />right to do that and if I was in court I don't think that would fly what you state, Aladean. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: I am not agreeing or disagree on this. I am just reading the <br />standards and I know that in order to support the denial you'll have to show that the <br />standards were violated. The standards say that a piece of decoration shall be retained or <br />replaced by replicas of the same design or by a design more in keeping with the historic <br />period of the structure. That's your standards and what you have to say is that this C of A <br />does not comply with that standard. You need to give facts to support your decision. <br />That's all I am saying. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ: My comments certainly meant that I should include that and I did <br />not and that's perfectly true. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: If any member wishes to reinforce what they said before then I <br />think they should. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Then I think what Julie wrote in her report would support my opinion. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: Then what you can say is that you would incorporate in your <br />decision the original staff recommendation. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I think we should all go back through and restate our reasons for the <br />interest of clarity and so we are on sound legal footing. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: In that case I would like to also use this opportunity to state my <br />reasons for agreeing with this C of A. <br />ALADEAN DEROSE: I don't think it is necessary to state the reasons for agreeing with <br />this C of A. <br />12 <br />