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warp. The windows we are buying have a guarantee for 20 years on both the seals and <br />frames. We can't understand how the staff by taking pictures of the outside of our house <br />can tell anything about what the windows are like on the inside. The staff doesn't have to <br />live with these windows on a day to day basis. The windows are always getting dirty and <br />we have hired contractors to clean them. The last time this happened, even though we <br />paid the contractor $200.00 dollars, the contractor quit in the middle of the job because <br />there were too many windows. He put together storm windows incorrectly so they are a <br />mess. Every time it is humid the windows are very hard to open and shut. Since we live <br />in the house on a day to day basis we feel the replacement windows will not only be a lot <br />easier to clean but they will look better also. They will not look the same; but, the storm <br />windows that are on the house now are not very attractive either. We also look at this <br />from an energy savings point of view. The staff report said that the pay back period is <br />about 30 years; but, with energy prices triple and the windows much more efficient than <br />they were in the past, the payback period is going to be obviously a lot shorter, maybe 10 <br />years or fewer. <br />BRENDA KNOWLES: I also have severe allergies and I am very worried about the <br />lack of ventilation because we literally cannot open most of the windows. They swell <br />shut almost the entire year. I am worried about argon, mold, and the exacerbation of my <br />allergies. So I see health as well as ecological issues here. <br />JOHN OXIAN: You are already violating the standards by going from 4 over 1 window <br />to 1 over 1 window. If you were going to go for new windows that were 4 over 1, which <br />we have some times allowed in other places to match the original ones, then that's a <br />different story. My house is a landmark and it has wood windows. If you have your <br />wood windows taken care of properly they will open and shut properly. You have to <br />check the ropes and weights on the windows periodically to make sure they are working <br />correctly. I can open all of the wood windows I have in my house. You also mention <br />about going inside the house to see what the windows are like. Our inspectpr cannot go <br />inside the house. If you want our inspector to come in and see what the windows look <br />like from the inside to get a better judgment to make us decide on what we would like to <br />approve or reject, then I would suggest that we table this and you allow Wayne Doolittle <br />to come in and look at the windows and then come back. Until you decide to come back <br />with 4 over 1 window I will not approve this one way or another. <br />BRENDA KNOWLES: I had called Mr. Doolittle a couple of times about this; because, <br />we actually don't even know what you are talking about regarding 4 over 1 and 1 over 1. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Then I would suggest that we table this and have you sit down with our <br />inspector and go over this and come back with a mutual understanding among all of you <br />so that next month what ever is approved would be the best thing to do. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I also have wood windows in my house that would not open because <br />they were all painted shut. We did a window rehab workshop with Bob Yapp. He <br />replaced the weights and ropes and did a lot of work on my windows and now they open <br />and shut like a dream. <br />TODD ZEIGER: Have there been bids received for rehab on these windows? <br />BRENDA KNOWLES: No. <br />TODD ZEIGER: I would request that if this is tabled then bids should be brought back <br />in for consideration. The fact that it violates the standards to replace them to begin with <br />really begs the question why there aren't even bids to repair what is there now. <br />2 <br />