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Jerry Ujdak: That would be fine. <br />Lynn Patrick: during which we could have a meeting at NNN and focus on this one issue and the City <br />could be there and the neighborhood residents and possibly we could explore other access or you <br />could make a strong case why access to the river is not available, why these trees all need to come out <br />and provide more detailed listing of the number and size and location of the trees. <br />Jason Durr: We will definitely see when Brent's available. Like I said we have been utilizing his <br />abilities as the City Forester throughout the project. That's not a problem. <br />Lynn Patrick: This is the motion. I'll clearly state it for the record. The motion is: we're going to <br />hold off on making a decision until the next HPC regular meeting with the un derstanding that there <br />- - <br />- shall be a meeting with the City people who are involved - in this project and the neighborhood <br />residents to be held at a time to be announced soon at the NNN. Do I have a second? <br />Martha Choitz seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Jason Durr, the City Engineer, <br />signed the waiver of the 45 -day limit. <br />B. LANDMARKS (There were none heard.) <br />C. NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATIONS (There were none heard.) <br />III. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Jerry Ujdak moved to accept the February HPC meeting minutes. Timothy Klusczinski seconded the <br />motion and it carried unopposed. <br />B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />Timothy Klusczinski submitted the treasurer's report to the Commission. <br />C. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />1. President's Report <br />Lynn reported that she and Timothy Klusczinski had attended the March 6 1 school board meeting. <br />Tim spoke about historic schools and Lynn stated her disagreement with Dr. Raymond's destruction <br />of historic structures and schools. Lynn urged the Commission members to garner support for the <br />Riverview Gatehouse from interested citizens. She announced that March 22 is the last date for <br />reduced pricing for the Traditional Building conference in Chicago. <br />2. Landmark Committee Report (No report was given.) <br />D. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. Director's Report <br />Catherine stated that HLFI had added the Studebaker Administration building to the 10 Most <br />Endangered List in Indiana and she handed out her report. <br />2. Assistant Director's Report <br />Julie noted that the Lincolnway East and Taylor's Field guidebooks had been distributed. <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes Monthly .doc [Preliminary] Page 13 <br />