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Jason Durr: It was due to the washout created by the end of the pipe, not the actual pipe itself. <br />Joann Sporleder: And it was rolled in with the valve and half a dozen other similar situations along <br />the river. It wasn't the only one. There's a whole series of them, which are still the issue. <br />Jason Durr: Well, there was Leeper Island, which was completed just last year along with a couple of <br />other areas along North Shore. <br />Joann Sporleder: and then across from the island there was another outfall, which is still a problem, <br />the big high one that cascades down. <br />Jason Dun: Oh, the storm from the... yes. <br />Joann Sporleder: I think overall it has been identified like 32 outfalls that need attention and part of <br />the original one in 2000 as well. <br />Jerry Ujdak: Would a motion be in order in the interest of time and also in the interests of the <br />concerns of the neighbors, they've obviously opened some avenues here related to this project, that <br />you, Gentleman, did not address and I'll just say that there are some things that there has not been a <br />meeting of the minds, shall we say. So I'd like to make a motion that we delay any action on this <br />project until the concerns of the neighbors are heard and addressed by the City, and the timeframe, <br />I'm thinking at least 90 days. Do I have a second? <br />Joann Sporleder: I'll second that... wait a second on that ... Can we have an opinion that we are in <br />order to do that? <br />Aladean DeRose: In order to do that, you'll have to obtain the consent of the petitioner to extend the <br />time with a waiver of the 45 -day limit. <br />Tim Klusczinski: We might table it though? <br />Lynn Patrick: No, we can't impose that long of a time frame. <br />Jerry Ujdak: Then, I'll amend it. <br />Aladean DeRose: I suggest that you hear from the City Engineer as to what type of timeframe might <br />be appropriate to take that into account as you... <br />Lynn Patrick: I think that is a great idea, and I'd like to hear from the City Engineer. <br />Jason Durr: I was just speaking to Rebekah Go, of the NNN. She has volunteered their establishment <br />to maybe offer a public hearing to address all these comments. I would be happy to set that up. I <br />would be hesitant to put a 90 -day waiting period on this. I don't want to seem like this is eminent, <br />but waiting the 90 -days may put us into a time when we cannot enter the river because of the salmon <br />run and therefore would extend it even longer than that. So, after speaking with our design engineer <br />we feel we can address most of those questions and would be happy to do it in a public forum at a <br />time... <br />Lynn Patrick: I'd like to suggest a compromise on this. What if we hold off until the next HPC <br />meeting, which would give us approximately thirty days? <br />March 20, 2006 HPC Minutes_Monthly .doc [Preliminary] Page 12 <br />