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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 18, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />c. continued.... <br />Ms. Schwartz stated that she noticed <br />that Rick Pitts is requiring written <br />authorization before releasing reports <br />to any other parties. She asked if this <br />was common practice. <br />Ms. Kolata noted that most appraisers <br />will not release information without <br />prior written authorization from the <br />Division of Redevelopment, whether <br />through verbal or written <br />authorization. She stated that Mr. <br />Pitts' requesting prior authorization <br />from Redevelopment to release any <br />information is to document his files <br />when he releases the information. <br />Ms. Schwartz noted that to her <br />understanding Mr. Pitts is requesting <br />that the Redevelopment Commission <br />seek his permission before we release <br />the appraisal information to others. <br />She asked that we find out if he would <br />perform the work without that <br />requirement. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, <br />seconded by Mr. Faccenda and <br />unanimously carried, the Commission <br />approved the proposal from R.E. Pitts <br />& Associates, Inc. subject to R.E. Pitts <br />& Associates, Inc. releasing the <br />requirement that Redevelopment <br />Commission seek his permission <br />before releasing appraisal information. <br />H:\IiOMENCPHIPPS\WPDATA\COMMSM041897.MIN -6- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />R.E. PITTS & ASSOCIATES, INC. SUBJECT TO R.E. <br />PITTS & ASSOCIATES, INC. RELEASING THE <br />REQUIREMENT THAT THE REDEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION SEEK HIS PERMISSION BEFORE <br />RELEASING APPRAISAL INFORMATION <br />