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CATHERINE HOSTETLER: When you come in for an appointment we can arrange <br />to have Joann there also. We can go through some of the materials that we have, you can <br />take a look at them, and then you can get with your architect with the suggestions that <br />Joann would have and we could salvage what we can of the house and then get what you <br />need put on so it's not going to be overwhelming. <br />III. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />1. November, 2004 <br />Mary Jane Chase stated that there was a correction on page 4 of the minutes. Her report <br />for the Cornelius O'Brien Conference was not included in the November's monthly <br />meeting packet as stated in October's monthly meeting minutes. <br />JOANN SPORLDER: I will make a motion that we accept the minutes for November <br />as submitted with the addition which was originally left out of the November minutes. <br />GERALD UJDAK: Seconds the motion and it passes. John Oxian abstains. <br />2. December, 2004 <br />GERALD UJDAK: I will make a motion that we accept the minutes for December <br />2004. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: Seconds the motion and it passes. John Oxian abstains. <br />B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />John Oxian stated that he wanted to have a treasurer's report two weeks before each <br />monthly meeting. I would like to know what is going out and what is coming in and <br />everything else that pertains to the treasurer. <br />C. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />1. President's Report: Committee Assignment <br />LYNN PATRICK: A copy for all committee assignments will be included in the next <br />monthly meeting packet. <br />D. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. C of A Approvals; Correspondence <br />A. No Staff Approvals <br />B. Oliver Inn Letter re: Facade Easements <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: You all have a copy of the Oliver Inn Letter regarding <br />fapade easement in your meeting packets. In this letter the owners of Oliver Inn have <br />expressed their frustrations regarding the facade easement. I am at a loss as to why they <br />did not receive any type of tax relief on their facade easement when others had. I don't <br />know what we can do. <br />Catherine deferred to Mr. John Livingston to give his legal opinion of what can be done <br />for the owners of the Oliver Inn regarding their facade easement. Mr. John Livingston <br />gave his legal opinion on property tax relief. <br />C. Director's Report: 2005 Goals <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: Briefly went over with commission members some of <br />the HPC Goals for 2005. (See HPC Goals for 2005 sheet in meeting packets) <br />D. Assistant Director's Report Gumwood Area; Wayne's Elm <br />Report <br />JULIE SCHUTTE: In December Catherine and I put together a summary of the <br />Hams and Clay Townships for the county commissioners; because the county <br />engineering office is going to be looking to do some road projects in that area and wanted <br />tj <br />