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MICHAEL HAYES: There are approximately 75-100 graves. They date from the early <br />1800's to the early 1900's. All three cemeteries have at least one civil war veteran <br />buried in them. The cemetery is located on the south side of Dragoon Trail on Downey. <br />We plan to put up a more appropriate sign designating this as an historical cemetery. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: How much space is there? Who maintains the cemetery <br />grounds? <br />MICHAEL HAYES: The cemetery is about two hundred feet by one hundred and fifty <br />feet. The township maintains the cemetery. <br />LYNN PATRICK: Are photos going to be presented to the commission/director <br />showing before and after shots of the work that is going to be done there. <br />MICHAEL HAYES: Yes, we will work with the commission and keep them up to date <br />on our progress and what is being done there? <br />JOHN OXIAN: I will make a motion that we approve this C of A. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />2. 2004-1230; Leeper Park <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: (See staff report and photos attached to C of A). Ken <br />Zmudzinski spoke on behalf of Leeper Park. <br />GERLAD UJDAK: Is this located on an existing storm drain? <br />KEN ZMUDZINSKI: It is on a concrete pad that has a chamber where the sewers drop <br />down into a line and go across the river, (technically called a river crossing), but because <br />of all the flow hitting that one area and then going into one small pipe a lot of the air has <br />to be released and then it shoots out and we capture it with a fan and nm it thorough the <br />filter. It flows from the north down the hill. <br />JOHN OXIAN: What type of plants are you going to put around it? <br />KEN ZMUDZINSKI: Arborvitae, bushes, or trees. Something that is tall and skinny <br />because the cylinder is tall and skinny. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: In due time does that pipe need to be cleaned out periodically? <br />KEN ZMUDZINSKI: It gets cleaned out every four years. <br />GERALD UJDAK: Is it a sanitary sewer line? <br />KEN ZMUDZINSKI: It is a combined sewer line. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I move that we approve their recommendation to make <br />permanent the installation of the order abatement air filter. <br />GERALD UJDAK: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />B. LANDMARK — 68286 Miami — Mr. and Mrs. Roeder <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: (See letters and staff report in meeting packet). The <br />homeowners were present. Phillip Hesch, attorney, spoke on behalf of the homeowners. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I would suggest that with this letter you have received and with what <br />Joann has said and the rest of the commission; that you come back with a proposal based <br />closely on what we're recommending and then I think you will not have any problems. If <br />you have any questions you can ask Joann, who is an architect. <br />LYNN PATRICK: I would also suggest that before you come back with a proposal that <br />you make an appointment and stop by the HPC office and work with Julie who has an <br />architectural background, and our director Catherine Hostetler. There are resources there <br />that can give you a better idea of what needs to be done, and maybe some of these things <br />can be evened out, and the whole house brought into a better proportion in a way that we <br />are not seeing now. <br />E <br />