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Mr. Newman, from Temple Beth -El , and Kolin Hodson, a member of the Chapin Park <br />Board and a liaison for the NNN, and the Rabbi Steven Leapman for Temple Beth -El <br />spoke in favor of the proposed Chapin Park Historic. District and thanked everyone who <br />had worked so hard to make it possible. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I move that we accept the legal department interoffice <br />memorandum dated December 17, 2004; which is an amendment to the Chapin Park <br />standards. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I would now like a final motion to pass our recommendation to the <br />Common Council for their adoption of the Chapin Park Historic District. <br />JOANN SPORLEDER: I so move. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />D. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT <br />1. Districts Committee: Chapin Park and Temple Beth -El <br />2. Executive Committee Report: Meeting 1,2/08/2005 <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: This is the executive committee that was held on <br />December 81h, concerning 68286 Miami Road, local landmark. <br />This has been an issue with the commission since last August. Gerald Ujdak has put <br />in a lot of hours and time working with the family that owns this property to try and get <br />them to understand that their issues with their property are not going to be resolved by <br />putting on a very expensive addition onto a house that is already failing. He has had <br />limited success with them. <br />Julie and I constructed a letter at the direction of the executive committee and we <br />sent it out to the family. We have not received a response yet. We sent a copy to the <br />homeowner, which you have in your meeting packet. We also sent a copy to the person <br />she has been using as an architect so that he would understand what the issues were and <br />would have a copy of the same documents she has. We have not received a response <br />from him either. <br />We also sent a copy of this letter to Gary in the building department so that if <br />anyone were to try and pull any permits they would be aware of what was going on and <br />could check and make sure that there weren't any additions being put on the house with <br />out the homeowners first getting the proper permits. <br />What the homeowners basically want to do is put on a very elaborate addition to a <br />house that has severe water damage and foundations issues. <br />3 <br />