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GERALD UJDAK: The addition that they are talking about is approximately nine <br />hundred square feet. It would involve a great deal of alterations, movement of the septic <br />system, etc. The porch also needs rebuilding. It is a charming house from the road; but, <br />when one gets closer to it one discovers that is has suffered from a lack of TLC for many <br />years and has serious problems. I don't think that these homeowners have a handle on <br />how much money it is going to take to do this work. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: The recommendation of the staff was basically to stabilize <br />the existing residence._ They need to take care of those issues first before they start to <br />consider putting on additions to the house. <br />The second issue that the executive committee addressed was the preservation plan. <br />John Oxian and I are going to work together to get that organized, along with John <br />Livingston, so that we can present it back to the Historic Preservation Commission in <br />March. <br />-E. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. C of A approvals; Correspondence <br />2. Grant status: Brochure approved <br />3. Legal Report: Chapin Park language -- (refer to item 1 under <br />Committee Reports) <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: We have approved at least six C of A's for in-kind <br />replacements since our last meeting. We have one open issue and that is 115 E. South <br />Street. This is the house that is in Taylor's field that had a fire. The structure is very <br />difficult to go into to get an evaluation. I have a picture of it that Wayne took. Joann <br />Sporleder and Wayne Doolittle were supposed to have gone out to get an assessment of <br />the house. We have not received their reports back yet. <br />The grants have all been approved for the brochure and the money has been <br />encumbered for our part to get the districts grant done. We have the money set aside for <br />the final printing of the surveys and the excess monies. I am working with Suzanne <br />Stanis to get a new memorandum of agreement drawn up to reflect the additional <br />$6,700.00 dollars that we are going to spend to do the resurvey. <br />Julie Schutte and I took Virginia O'Hair out to lunch on Thursday at Tippecanoe <br />Place and gave her a certificate of appreciation for all of the work she has done and for <br />the time she has served on the Historic Preservation Commission. She was also happy to <br />be invited to sit on the Southhold Awards Committee and stated that she would be very <br />happy to continue to serve on that committee. <br />John Oxian asked that a motion be made that a C of A list of all staff approved properties <br />be attached to the minutes every month. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ: I so move. <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Seconds the motion and it passes unanimously. <br />4 <br />