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1t/13/2004 15:55 574-2456097 <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />RE: <br />SAFETY&RISK MGTAGEM. PAGE 05 <br />LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br />INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />Catherine Hostetler/Historic Preservation Commission <br />John Livingston - Assistant City Attorney <br />December 13, 2004 <br />Chapin Park -Temple Beth -EI Exceptions <br />After our conversation, I am further amending the new Paragraph I which will be contained in the <br />Section V, GENERAL SECTION of the Chapin Park Local Historic District Preservation guidelines. <br />I have reviewed David Mirkin's suggestions made to the Historic Preservation Commission. I am <br />suggesting new language which would read as follows: <br />�• There is excepted from the general provisions of paragraphs A and B, a partial <br />exception for the future property acquisitions and uses by Temple Beth -EI, 305 W. . <br />Madison Street, South Bend, Indiana. Temple Beth -EI is currently located on the east <br />half of the block bordered by Madison, Lafayette, Marion, and William streets. The west <br />half of this block is within the confines of the Chapin Park Historic District. Temple <br />Beth -EI currently owns, through a trust, a lot in the west half of this block and may <br />acquire in the future other lots in the west half of this block for the purposes of <br />additional building, grounds or parking for expansion of its campus. Temple Beth -EI <br />and its trusts shall maintain any structures or property in the west half of the aforesaid <br />blocks consistent with these guidelines unless and until Temple Beth -EI decides to <br />demolish any structures or buildings. In the event that Temple Beth -EI wishes to use <br />such land in the west half of the block for Temple purposes, it shall notify the Historic <br />Preservation Commission and seek a Certificate of Appropriateness for the removal of <br />any buildings or structures in the designated area. Upon grant of said Certificate of <br />Appropriateness by Historic Preservation Commission, Temple Beth -EI may demolish <br />or provide for the removal of said buildings. Temple Beth -EI may demolish the structure <br />and clear the land, provided that first the structures to be sold and relocated are offered <br />and publically advertised at a price of One Dollar ($1.o0) with the relocation expenses <br />to be borne by the buyer. The structures shall be offered for a period of not less than <br />one hundred and eighty (180) days. This time period may be extended by up to an <br />additional 60 days at the request of the Historic Preservation Commission orthe Chapin <br />Park Historic District board. This paragraph shall not constitute a waiver of any of the <br />zoning or building code sections of the South Bend Municipal Code applicable to these <br />properties. This waiver will only apply to Temple Beth -EI while it or another house of <br />worship owns and uses the property. This waiver does not apply to any other properties <br />in the district. <br />Note: I removed two (2) sentences from David's original draft. The first one being the third <br />sentence of the proposed guideline reading, "No. historic ........... trusts"- The second sentence <br />