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B. TREASURER'S REPORT <br />MARY JANE CHASE: Karen and I have been doing some investigation to find out <br />where some of the monies were withdrawn from the line items. It's a situation where it is <br />new with the people that are doing the work and it's new with us also. The people that <br />are doing this work are not accustomed to doing it with this kind of recourse. Next <br />month I hope to have a more detailed report for you. <br />C. LEGAL REPORT <br />THOMAS BODNAR: No report, unless you would like to talk more about the three <br />properties on Franklin Place ---and if you want to reconsider them now that we are here <br />by ourselves. <br />JOHN OXIAN: I think the Building Department should be informed and that there <br />should be a stop work order and if the man wants to accomplish his goal than he comes in <br />and follows the procedures like everybody else does. There should not be any favoritism <br />for one person over another person. I, as well as any other commission member who <br />steps on to this board who owns a landmark house in a historic district, is required to get <br />a C of A for any work that has to be done. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: Do you want Standards and Maintenance to make any <br />recommendations regarding repairs prior to the next Code Enforcement Hearing on <br />December 12cn. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Yes, if you want to and feel that you can handle this yourself, then go <br />right ahead and take care of it. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: I don't know if staff necessarily has the authority unless <br />you direct me to do so. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ: If there is reason for you to be there and you are representing the <br />commission and they give you a chance to say your piece, then do that. <br />D. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />JOHN OXIAN: We don't have to bring up anything about the meeting we had on the <br />Leeper Park situation. <br />E. STAFF REPORTS <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH:. I will go to the most recently received matter first. We <br />have received a response from the Department of Natural Resources and this is a <br />preliminary response not a final response to the application for National Registry Status <br />for 1021 Portage Avenue. Mr. Duvall does not think that the house is of sufficient <br />architectural significance to be listed individually, but would consider a favorable <br />recommendation for listing it as part of another business. <br />