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there were pieces of the book on the floor --that's how fragile it is. We don't think that <br />these files should continue to be handled by the public. The reason why the Studebaker <br />history files contain photocopies that have been taken off of microfilm is because a <br />student walked off with the original Studebaker history files. The library now locks up <br />all of its file cabinets. I walked into the library yesterday and the librarian was not there <br />and I was able to walk out with these two files, because that particular cabinet was <br />unlocked. It is hard for the library to keep track of these files because there are eighteen <br />cabinets with important files in them and these files are used on a regular basis. <br />There are also other problems with these files. The subject headings are very limited <br />and these articles can't be searched by people who are in the article. You would have to <br />digitize that information and you would have to create many cross references and subject <br />entries in order to access this file. When this was done in paper format it was very labor <br />intensive and that is why since 1982 the library has had a computerized automated <br />catalog instead of a paper card file. <br />We would like to retire these files to a locked room that scholars could go to when they <br />really need to use these sources. I would like to retire these files to the safest room in the <br />library's basement and that is the old electrical room because it is safe, dry, and secure. <br />Discussion was then held between Mr. Napoli and commission members. Gerald Ujdak, <br />Virginia O'Hara, and Martha Choitz, Joann Sporleder proceeded to ask Mr. Napoli more <br />detailed questions about the library's digitization project and the library's future plans for <br />the Local History & Genealogy clippings file. <br />JERRY UJDAK noted that there has been a vacancy in the Local History room due to the <br />retirement of one specialist, and that the other local history expert has been transferred to <br />another part of the library. <br />MARTHA CHOITZ noted that when the Local History room was staffed by specialists, <br />the use of irreplaceable local records was closely monitered, without needing to be <br />removed from public use. <br />VIRGINIA O'HAIR noted that she uses the Local History and newspaper clipping files <br />regularly, and works with others who do the same. Based on this experience, she is <br />concerned that the retirement of the clipping to a remote location, such that special <br />arrangements would need to be made for searching them, would be a serious <br />disadvantage to those who would use the clipping file, and to the organizations those <br />people serve. <br />Commission members and staff were pleased with the idea of digitization, but divided as <br />to the proposal to retire the paper files from the local history room. <br />III. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />The October minutes have been completed, but not in tome to mail them to you on time <br />to allow opportunity to review them. <br />