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JOHN OXIAN: No, I am going to make that a separate motion; because, you're <br />recommending against one and you are in favor of one. So, that is why I am dividing it <br />up. Any other discussion? If not, those in favor say aye. Those against say nay. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />CATHERINE HOSTETLER: Did your motion include the address and the application <br />number? <br />JOHN OXIAN: No, I better put that in there. It is application 2002-0417. The address is <br />1012 Riverside Drive. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Now we are going to go to part two. <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: The diagrams for the terrace and steps and the list of the <br />materials are included. Specifications are for brick matching the existing brick and <br />reinforced by the same type of reinforcements as in the existing terrace work. I move, <br />that we accept application number 2002-0417 part B as recommended by staff. <br />I seconded that motion. <br />JOHN OXIAN: Ok, those in favor say aye. Those against say nay. The motion carries <br />unanimously. <br />3. 2002-0513; 1430 East Wayne Street, South Bend, Indiana <br />KAREN HAMMOND-NASH: Was filed May 13, 2002. This actually was thirteen days <br />beyond what attempted to be the deadline. But, it was a sizeable job, and next month's <br />agenda would be full; I am hopeful that the commission will be willing to consider it. <br />There are seven items on this application they are as follows: <br />1. New Garage Doors <br />The proposed new garage doors appear to be almost identical to the existing <br />ones, except for the muntons down the middle of each existing pane, everything except <br />the muntons is replicated in the proposed new doors. Staff recommends approval. <br />2. Driveway widening. <br />Want to widen the driveway from approximately 8 feet to approximately 16 <br />feet. Regarding this matter, page 39 of the Wayne Street District Guidebook, under <br />"Required" states "Dominant land contours shall be retained." Under "Prohibited" on the <br />same page, it states "Front yard areas shall not be transformed into parking areas, nor <br />paved nor blacktopped." The existing driveway is adequate for accessing the garage; <br />widing it would only give more parking space. Therefore, staff recommends that this part <br />of the application be denied. <br />3 <br />