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2. 312 Don Moyer, Monroe School <br />Mr. Talley presented the staff report and circulated photographs. Mr. Weiner moved to send <br />the nomination to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. Mrs. Choitz <br />seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />III. Regular Business <br />A. Approval of Minutes <br />1. September 20, 1999 <br />Mr. Oxian asked if any Commission members wanted to make corrections. He went on to note <br />that on page five, under Historic Landmarks it should read ...three landmarks will be before the <br />Council... not four. Mr. Weiner moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mrs. Choitz <br />seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />B. Treasurer's Report <br />None. <br />C. Correspondence <br />Mr. Talley noted that communications have gone out to the owner of 501 W. Colfax. He also <br />noted that the staff has acquired a quote from Sibly for a mold that will allow the George Cutter <br />Company Park View streetlight poles to be recast. Mr. Talley stated that the staff may be able <br />to obtain a grant that will pay for the proposed mold. <br />D. Committee Reports <br />1. Historic Districts <br />None. <br />2. Historic Landmarks <br />Mr. Oxian stated that three proposed local landmarks on Thomas, Diamond and Sherman, were <br />unanimously passed by the Common Council. He further noted that 501 W. Colfax, the <br />Remedy Building, will be up for second reading next month. Mr. Lykowski requested to be <br />heard on this issue, however, Indiana State law only allows the voicing of public opinion during <br />the Public Hearing portion of a Commission meeting. <br />3. Standards and Maintenance <br />a. 1999-0730-549 River Avenue, greenhouse. <br />Mr. Talley stated that the staff is recommending denial of the application because the owner has <br />failed to act within the required time limits. He further noted that the owner has failed to appear <br />at several Committee meetings designed to aid the owner in the completion of her project. Mr. <br />Oxian moved to deny application 1999-0730 on the basis that the owner failed to act within the <br />sixty day time frame. Mr. Helmus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br />