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better explanation. Mrs. DeRose stated that.if Mr. Harman wanted to,object to <br />the.. Committees: -decision %then -he' would have to file a• formal. Certificate of <br />I Appropriateness application. and. have, .it.brought up. i_n;next months -meeting, <br />under - the ..public hearing .section..... However, in order - to get .the decision <br />over . turned. -Mr.:- ..Harman. -, would have show.: that,. the, proper.tyis. not - <br />histori'cally_ significant. .or ; that the Commission. made. a mistake- .when- it <br />declared (the•.property. to.. be ._ a Landmark. -_Mrs'.. Sporleder . interjected . that Mr. <br />Harman could.. also show that'.having - the property remain, under .Landmark <br />designation would cause him serious financial injury: <br />Mrs Choitz..stated..._._.that the,:. method .of Landmarking =farmhouses.. with --a' <br />significantamount-of surrounding acreage-is.part•of-a nation wide program to <br />help check, out of control development. This program not only helps slow down <br />development --it- also helps educate children. in..,how things used to- be. .-Mr. <br />Harman stated that he respects the opinion of the Commission members', however, <br />with the ancient., fence roll s,. surrounding, the - house _he_. can., not understand how <br />- - his 16 -acres contributes..or— =.affects -the Landmark-.and.-why.rfie...should..have- to: be,. <br />under another. -government body-.. Mr. ,.Talley. -stated _:_that=. -•the -.Commission' <br />preserves things,. for., future. generations,.to..enjoy. _Mr..Airman.,stated- .that he... <br />understood that,. but,. he:.., still_:. did- ..not. see how At' --is. going . benefit .._him. <br />Mrs.. Sporleder- . stated.. that*,' .,would, -_.not :..benefit -- Mr. ..-' Harman, -,..,but,- the <br />Commission was_: -also • noL, going., get.: -in ...his ..way., _.There,- *as; some "discussion <br />over'the ancient"fence rolls. .Mr. Harmandid note in the discussion that the <br />fence rools-were ,located on his.. property. Mr..Oxian interjected that this <br />gives -,a reason.for--_retaining.. the _- landmark .. as stated. in. the ordianance._,Mr. <br />_Oxian:-reiterated. that -the -reason, for., adding acreage -to a.Landmark- was. to <br />protect . the -farmstead. and-.. that . the.. owner at... the time :,. of- Landmarking <br />designates, with the help of -the Commission, how.�much acreage to include.. Mr. <br />Talley asked when Mr. Harman planned to of his house. Mr. <br />Harman stated that they.hope to break ground by the'end of May. <br />6. Legal <br />None- <br />` E. Staff Reports <br />1. Staff Reports <br />See attachment to April package,. - <br />2. 'Legal <br />Mrs....DeRose...noted,.t hat__..she,..,is hoping to work out: a,,. compromise, with. Code _ <br />Enforoement,concerning._:1631 Lincolnway..:West,..that- will -satisfactory for ` <br />both parties" and will. address.Mr. Trevino's.concerns',.-he being -the new owner. <br />Mrs. DeRose also stated -that.-.the existing. conflict -.concerned. the. previous <br />-owner-and that is why Code -Enforcement does not want to deal with.Mr. Trevino. <br />.Mr..-_Oxian stated>'that-the .•problems 'g'o., back even further . than _the last owner. <br />Mrs. DeRose-stated that .the litigation concerning demolition of, the - house in <br />pending on . a trial that- -has - been.. set:., for.. June.. and:- that the law. suit' affecting <br />demolition'only concerns the. seller and.thus.Code Enforcement does not want-to-- <br />bring <br />anttobring Mr: , Trevino , -into it. _. _ Mrs. DeRose . stated ., that,, she -has worked- out. <br />something._- with --..the other... City- Attorney,,,Anne._.Carroll:.Siinon,-,to-..:see:-.if-...they <br />:- <br />.could accommodate-.Mr_,..-,-:Trevino:'.s.•-,interests...,.,-Mr....Oxian..,.stated.;that. since, the <br />house.has, been landmarked_ then..--the-.demolition ,order_;,is.,null',and.,_void,..:.Mrs'.:. <br />DeRose- stated -that - this .was true and.. falsP,:,,,,that. the, Historic- Preservation. - <br />Commission's interest -in the, property .would have -to .taken into <br />consideration,at the demolition trial set for June. <br />