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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 18, 1996 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />I. Commission approval requested for <br />Loan and Grant in connection with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property <br />located at 305 E. Haney. (Annie <br />Alston) <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the loan to <br />Annie Alston is in the amount of $3,800 <br />at 0% interest for 13 years with monthly <br />payments of $24.36. The grant is in the <br />amount of $3,630. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, <br />seconded by Mr. Hunt, and unanimously <br />carried, the Commission approved the <br />Loan and Grant in connection with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property <br />located at 305 E. Haney. (Annie Alston) <br />j. Commission approval requested for <br />Certificate of Waiver in connection <br />with the Rental Rehab Loan Program <br />for property located at 237 S. Kaley. <br />(Daniel Kois) <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that this Certificate of <br />Waiver forgives $750.00 as of October <br />15, 1996. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, <br />seconded by Mr. Hunt and unanimously <br />carried, the Commission approved the <br />Certificate of Waiver in connection with <br />the Rental Rehab Loan <br />-10- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN AND GRANT IN <br />CONNECTION WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 305 E. <br />HANEY (ANNIE ALSTON) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CERTIFICATE OF <br />WAIVER IN CONNECTION WITH THE RENTAL REHAB <br />LOAN PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 237 S. <br />KALEY (DANIEL KOIS) <br />