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CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />REVIEW PROCESS <br />Adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission: April 20, 1992. <br />Open the meeting with the following statement: <br />The technical qualifications of the staff of this Commission <br />and of the Commission members is on file with the City of <br />Elkhart, is available on request to any applicant, and is <br />hereby made a part of the legal record of each and every <br />application heard today. <br />Each person wishing to speak must be recognized by the <br />Chairperson - and - then - will - come - to - the - rostrum -and- -state — <br />your name and address. <br />Procedure for hearing a Certificate of Appropriateness: <br />1. Listing of case by the Chairperson <br />2. Presentation by the applicant (and witnesses) <br />3. Presentation by the staff (staff report) <br />4. Speakers in favor of the application (public comment) <br />5. Speakers in opposition to the application (public comment) <br />6. Finding of fact (Commission discussion)* <br />7. Vote on Motion <br />* The chair may allow discussion of the proposed project to take <br />place before a formal motion is placed on the table. However, <br />this is not in strict accordance to Robert's Rules of Order ". <br />Robert's Rules states that debate can only take place after a <br />motion has been seconded and recognized by the chair. <br />By allowing discussion before a motion, certain aspects of an <br />application may be able to be worked out and the "feeling" of <br />discussion is more open than under a motion. <br />There are two motions necessary to approve or deny a C.O.A.. As a part of <br />the first motion the following phrase should be <br />Mr. Chairman, I have inspected the property in question and <br />have observed the ways in which this property relates to its <br />physical setting and to the general area and (state motion <br />for findina of fact) <br />The first motion required states and adopts findings of fact regarding the. <br />appropriateness of inappropriateness of the project itself: <br />I move that the Historic Commission find as a fact that <br />the proposed project (state application file no or location) <br />if constructed according to the plans submitted on (state date) <br />is /is not incongruous with the character of the district, for <br />the reason(s) that the (state specifics ie. heiaht, setback, <br />and placement, materials, architectural detailina, roof, <br />I fenestration, aeneral form and proportion, appurtenant features) <br />are /are not generally in harmony with'the character of the adjoining <br />properties and the historic district" <br />