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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 20, 1996 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />E continued.... <br />Mr. Emery asked if he had any recourse, <br />if there was anything he could do. <br />Mrs. Kolata responded not really. She <br />also said that the staff would be glad to <br />work with Mr. Emery to try to help solve <br />the parking problems. <br />Mrs. Kolata also pointed out that there <br />are parking spaces available on the block <br />and the staff will get Mr. Emery the <br />information on that. Also there is a <br />vacant lot on Colfax just behind this one. <br />It's owned by people in Pennsylvania and <br />we could investigate this as another <br />possibility. <br />Mr. Emery asked about the auto repair. <br />Mrs. Kolata responded that it was an on <br />going problem and she asked Code <br />Enforcement to drive down the alley and <br />look at the situation. The auto repair <br />shop is a pre - existing use to the rezoning <br />and they have a right to be there. They <br />should not be repairing a car on property <br />other than their property. Mrs. Kolata <br />suggested that Mr. Emery discuss this <br />with Code Enforcement. <br />Ms. Auburn asked Mr. Emery to contact <br />the staff to discuss the parking and the <br />auto repair shop. <br />Mr. Emery stated that he was interested <br />in this lot, and it was being given to the <br />attorneys. <br />` -25- <br />