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December 21, 1981 <br />Page 4 <br />6. Committee Reports (continued) <br />Mr. Hayes chairs and bring a report back to the Commission. <br />The motion tied, Mr. Wasielewski and Mrs. Sporleder ab- <br />stained, Mr. Nimtz and Mrs. Price voted no. It was deter- <br />mined that Mr. Hayes chairs the Public Relations and Com- <br />munity Education committee and that Mrs. Price is a member. <br />It was uncertain whether or not Mrs. Sherk was a member and <br />a third member is necessary. Mr. Wasielewski volunteered to <br />serve on the committee. <br />Mr. Wasielewski made a motion that the Commission encourage <br />Mr. Stamper to work on the project. Mrs. Sporleder seconded, <br />the motion passed. <br />f) Environmental Impact Statement - no report <br />g) Staff Report - <br />1. Report on Progress of South Bend City Survey - held off <br />until next meeting <br />2. Report on Progress Small Town Survey - held off until <br />next meeting <br />3. Status of Chapin Park Historic District National Register <br />Nomination - held off until next meeting <br />4. Annual Report - held off until next meeting <br />• h) Personnel. Committee <br />1. New Contract for Planner <br />Mrs. Sporleder made a motion to accept the new contract <br />with the recommended changes. Mr. Wasielewski seconded; <br />motion passed. (see appendix D) <br />7. Old Business <br />a. By-laws - held over until the next meeting <br />b. Oddfellows Building <br />Mrs. Sporleder made a motion that the Commission request of the <br />Mayor a halt in demolition of the Oddfellows Building so that it <br />can be restored. Mr. Wasielewski seconded. Mr. Oxian suggested <br />that the Commission base its letter to the Mayor on Mr. Sporleder's <br />letter. (see appendix E) Mrs. Sporleder amended the motion to in- <br />clude Mr. Sporleder's letter as additional information. Mr. Was- <br />ielewski seconded. The amendment passed unanimously. The vote <br />on the original motion passed, Mr. Nimtz voted no. <br />Mrs. Sporleder then made a motion that the Commission send the <br />request for landmark designation of the Oddfellows Building to the <br />• Common Council. She suggested that although it had been sent down <br />to them in the past, the issue was tabled and at the end of the <br />year the Council's slate is wiped clean so that the Oddfellows <br />Building needs to be sent to them again if it is to be on the agenda. <br />As a point of order, Mr. Nimtz stated that the matter was voted <br />down at the November meeting. Mrs. Sporleder countered that a <br />